
Teenager Injected with COVID Vaccine at School Without Parental Consent


It’s normal that the parents of a minor want to know what is going into their child’s body. But on Oct. 20 in Louisiana, a teen was given the COVID vaccine without his parents’ knowing or consenting.

Ochsner Health System, a nonprofit health care provider in southeast Louisiana, has been sending out mobile units to distribute the COVID vaccine, WDSU-TV reported. Now, Ochsner finds itself in trouble after vaccinating a 16-year-old boy at East Jefferson High School in Metairie without obtaining his parents’ consent.

Now the teen’s mother, Jennifer Ravain, is threatening to sue Ochsner.

“The egregious and reckless actions of Ochsner and East Jefferson High School went well beyond any legal or moral bounds and at a minimum, constitute a battery upon the minor child,” Ravain’s attorney, G. Shelly Maturin II, said in a statement.

According to the lawyer, the teen signed up for the vaccine but thought that meant he was receiving the shot at a later date. He meant to discuss it with his mother before the vaccination, but then felt pressured and got the jab.

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The Epoch Times reported that Jennifer Ravain’s signature was on the consent form, but Maturin said she did not sign the document and that her son did not forge it.

Ochsner did acknowledge the mistake, apologized and clarified that vaccination for minors should happen only with parental consent.

“While we firmly believe in vaccinating adolescents to keep them safe from COVID-19, this should be done only with parental consent. Our team has been notified that a student was vaccinated without proper parental consent at a school vaccination event on Oct. 20,” Dr. Robert Hart, Ochsner’s chief medical officer, said in a statement, according to WVUE-TV.

“We have procedures in place to ensure that all policies are followed; however, in this instance, this did not occur. We have taken immediate action to review our on-site vaccination policies and to ensure that these policies will be strictly enforced moving forward.”

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This situation is awful, and Jennifer Ravain has every right to be upset and to sue Ochsner. But in light of the increasing pressure, and even mandates, to vaccinate the population, a mistake like this was bound to happen sooner or later.

All across the country, there has been a mad rush to push the COVID vaccines on everyone. In California, there is a requirement to show vaccine status or a negative COVID test in order to attend indoor events of with more than 1,000 people.

In New York City, anyone over the age of 12 has to show that they have at least one dose of the vaccine before they can eat, go to the gym or attend large events indoors.

With such a rush to get the vaccine out, it’s unfortunate, but not unexpected, that a young boy got swept up in the vaccination frenzy.

“This kind of garbage is going on around the country and it needs to stop, so I think a message needs to be sent,” Maturin told The Epoch Times.

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He added that the story “should shock the conscience of all citizens of Louisiana,” according to WVUE.

Responsibility and caution should be a bare minimum ask from a medical provider. A 16-year-old should be able to trust a medical professional. Parents have to be informed and know what is being done to their children. But apparently, that was too much to ask from Ochsner.

That should raise deep concerns among all Americans. Sure, maybe this is just one instance in Louisiana, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen elsewhere.

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