
Texas State Rep Takes Bold Action Against Judge Who Ruled in James Younger Case


A Texas lawmaker has set his sights on a judge who granted custody of a young boy to his mother who seeks to “transition” him to a girl.

State Rep. Bryan Slaton filed a resolution on Wednesday calling for articles of impeachment to be brought against Judge Mary Brown for her ruling in the James Younger case.

“By her rulings and decision in this case, Judge Brown put radical gender ideology and its effect on children above her duty to uphold the Constitution,” Slaton said.

“She made these decisions, despite knowing full-well that a child would be subjected to further gender modification surgeries, procedures, therapies and counseling — actions that all reasonable people know to be barbaric and abusive.”

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The Younger case has been a major proxy battle regarding the medical “gender modification” of children.

Slaton seeks Brown’s removal on the legal grounds that such practices are considered child abuse under Texas law, with the lawmaker citing Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s opinion on the matter.

Brown’s ruling exposed Younger to child abuse, Slaton argues.

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Brown, a Democrat, made the controversial ruling back in August 2021.

As previously reported by The Western Journal, Brown ruled that Jeffrey Younger, James’ father, “failed to timely make the payments of child support, medical support and interest as ordered and only paid his past due support after the motion for enforcement was filed.”

James Younger’s mother, Anne Georgulas, has “the exclusive right to consent to medical, dental, and surgical treatment involving invasive procedures.” However, Brown included the caveat that the boy could not be given “hormonal suppression therapy, puberty blockers, and/or [transgender] reassignment surgery” without his father’s consent.

That limit in the ruling has become quite important.

With a string of legal victories, including a Texas Supreme Court decision denying Jeffrey Younger’s appeal in December, Georgulas has taken their child to California, according to Upward News.

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While the Texas order prohibits Georgulas from surgically “transitioning” James Younger without his father’s consent, a recently passed transgender “sanctuary” law in California may throw a constitutional wrench into the situation.

The legislation could protect Georgulas from any legal backlash from Texas if she were to “transition” James Younger in California.

However, the California law could be in violation of a constitutional clause that holds that states must respect the criminal investigations of other states, according to Upward.

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