
Thanks to a FOIA Request, the CDC Just Made the Biggest Admission About COVID Yet


Is natural or vaccinated immunity better for fighting COVID? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has offered conflicting evidence on this, which is causing more questions about the efficacy of the vaccine.

Last month, the CDC published a new study that seemed to firmly indicate that immunity from the vaccine is better than natural immunity.

“Unvaccinated people who had survived a previous COVID-19 infection were more than five times more likely to be reinfected with the virus compared to those who were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines,” CBS News reported on the CDC findings.

But there is new evidence that seems to debunk this claim from the CDC.

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request from a lawyer, the CDC admitted that they have not had any documented cases of an unvaccinated individual with natural immunity spreading the virus.

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This certainly weakens the CDC’s previous argument and study results that the vaccine is better than natural immunity.

Not only has the CDC argued strongly for the vaccines, but it has even urged those who have already been infected and recovered to still get the vaccine.

“All eligible persons should be vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible, including unvaccinated persons previously infected with SARS-CoV-2,” their study at the end of October outlined.

These decrees from the CDC fall perfectly in line with the left’s politics around the vaccine. As many cities and President Biden are trying to push through vaccine mandates, it’s awfully convenient to have the CDC backing them.

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But the CDC is not the only place that is collecting data and running studies on COVID.

Recently an Israeli study that has been collecting data from March 1, 2020, to August 14, 2021, published data to show that natural immunity is actually stronger than the immunity gained from the Pfizer vaccine.

“SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13.06-fold … increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected,” the study concluded.

The data from this study showed the exact opposite of the CDC’s claims. While the CDC said that unvaccinated people with natural immunity were five times more likely to be reinfected, the Israeli study found that vaccinated people had “a 5.96-fold … increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold … increased risk for symptomatic disease.”

Vaccinated individuals “were also at a greater risk for COVID-19-related-hospitalizations compared to those that were previously infected,” the study said.

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The Israeli study was several times larger than the CDC’s study that concluded that vaccine immunity was superior.

This Israeli study, coupled with the new admission from the CDC that there have been no recorded cases of those with natural immunity spreading the virus, seems to contradict the CDC’s constant messaging that everyone needs to get vaccinated.

The arguments around vaccines have been so politically charged that it’s natural to begin asking whether the CDC is really as apolitical as it claims.

So far, the CDC has been on the side of those who are calling for vaccine mandates, promoting the vaccine and even incentivizing it.

The CDC has even been campaigning for “vaccine confidence.”

“Strong confidence in COVID-19 vaccines within communities leads to more adults, adolescents, and children getting vaccinated ― which leads to fewer COVID-19 illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths,” the CDC said.

But nearly everything regarding the vaccine now is politically charged. It’s no secret that the greatest battle over the vaccine is political, not scientific. The scientific facts seem to merely be tools in the broader political roil.

Last year, when the vaccine was still being developed, Brookings predicted this politicization.

“And now, as with all aspects of COVID-19, politics has crept into the vaccine conversation in ways that threaten to derail public confidence,” Brookings noted on Oct. 30, 2020.

But it’s not just the politicization that is raising questions.

Those who are hesitant about the vaccine may have good reason after now seeing the CDC double back on itself and conflict with other studies about the vaccine immunity.

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