
The Time Elon Musk Called Bill Gates an 'A**hole to the Core' and 'Categorically Insane'


The Chief Twit versus Global Gates!

Sounds like a ’60s monster movie, or an ’80s pro-wrestling promo, doesn’t it?

Unfortunately, nothing quite that entertaining is going on here, though it is a sign of the amusing times that mega-billionaire Elon Musk might actually crawl into the ring to fight a different billionaire altogether.

However, when it comes to the most household-name of rich guys, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates gives Musk a run for his money.

Indeed, both Musk and Gates have held the undisputed “world title” of all rich dudes in that both have been, at points, “the richest man in the world.”

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You’d think the two would be good bros. After all, they are both techy nerds with tons of cash. But when you stop to ponder this for even a mere five minutes, you soon realize that few billionaires are probably buds with other billionaires.

After all, they didn’t make their beaucoup bucks by playing nice and strolling through fields of flowers with their pals.

Nope, and this latest revelation regarding Musk and Gates is no surprise at all.

As CNN Business reported on Monday about a new Musk biography by author Walter Isaacson:

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“Musk told Isaacson he felt Gates was hypocritical to fight against climate change while trying to make money on the failure of a sustainable energy car company.

“When Gates sent documentation about his philanthropic work and followed up with a text to Musk, Musk asked if he was still holding a short bet against Tesla. Gates admitted he was.

“Musk texted back: ‘Sorry… I cannot take your philanthropy on climate seriously.'”

Apparently, ol’ Bill was betting against the success of Tesla in an investment strategy known as shorting (a practice well-known to those who followed the great Gamestop war), which really can be seen as a hostile move. Musk (shocker) wasn’t too happy about it and responded publicly in his own crudely humorous way:

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Bill Gates actually had the audacity, after “covertly” shorting Tesla stock, to get on Musk about his lack of charitable giving and attempted to solicit him to donate money to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Musk confronted the Microsoft founder on the fact that he had shorted Tesla stock, and after he admitted to doing so, Elon let him have it.

As Musk wrote to Isaacson in a text message, according to CNN Business:

“At this point, I am convinced he is categorically insane (and an a–hole to the core)”

As is apparent from the above quote, the idea of supposedly championing the effort to help the environment and then betting against the failure of the world’s leading companies when it comes to electric vehicles is the utter depth of hypocrisy.

At least Gates has the cojones to admit that he did it to “make money” (though he ended up losing close $1.5 billion, according to CNN Business.)

However, there may be more to Gates’ actions than just the fact that he wanted to make money. Though Gates and Musk are both insanely rich nerds, they do have worldviews regarding the future of humanity that are quite divergent, to say the least.

For one, Gates is deeply concerned about overpopulation, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has spent much of its time and money working towards lowering global population and birth rates through, as Bill Gates himself has said, vaccinations, birth control, and women’s liberation in the Third World:

Not only this, but Bill Gates has supported the curbing of “COVID misinformation” which is a violation of the American ideals of free speech and the Christian ideals of “liberty of conscience.”

Plus, he is now the largest owner of farmland in the United States according to Forbes, which is part of his attempt to help curb the production of meat in the U.S. as he supports the making of synthetic meat using GMO grains through Upside Foods, a company he backs.

These same GMO grains, which were nearly all originally patented by the Monsanto corporation in which Bill Gates was once a leading shareholder before it was absorbed into Bayer (the pharmaceutical giant).

Not to mention that he is deeply connected to Jeffery Epstein. 

In contrast to the almost demonic Bond-villain level activity of Gates, Elon grossly overpaid for Twitter to guarantee free speech for all and has been critical of the COVID vaccine, which  has not helped his public reputation in the establishment media.

Indeed, Musk exposed that the entire lockdown and censorship campaign on the internet was instigated by the federal government on behalf of Big Pharma. He showed Americans how Uncle Sam was twisting the arm of social media to crush dissent and he did this through the release of “the Twitter Files” (which we should rename the “X-Files” just because it would be hilarious).

Not only this but Musk has repeatedly argued that global depopulation is a huge threat to civilization and needs to be reversed by growing the birth rate (exactly the opposite of the claims made by Bill Gates).

Can you get more antagonistic to Gates than all of this? One would almost think that Musk’s entire public persona is just one big troll of Gates. I mean, would it really surprise anyone?

Personally, as a working-class Christian, I am still reserving my judgment regarding Musk, as I am skeptical of billionaires, especially billionaires who are openly secularist in their worldview. Not only this, but I believe he could go much further in making X a bastion of free speech by sticking it to the advertisers who clearly run the show everywhere when it comes to social media (his recent threat to sue the ADL is admittedly a good step in the right direction).

Likewise, I think his dabbling in AI and digital currencies and his company Neuralink (a transhumanist wet dream of merging the human brain with computers) is deeply concerning, if not disturbing, and smacks the sort of evil being conjured by the darling of the World Economic Forum, Yuval Harari.

However, in picking a team in this fight I think it’s a no-brainer for those who love human life and liberty.

That, and anyone who is willing to punch Mark Zuckerberg in the face at the Roman Colosseum can’t be all that bad.

Well, as far as billionaires go anyway.

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