
Trump Campaign Says 'Ridiculous Talk of Impeachment' Has Backfired on Dems, 'Rallies Seem To Have Gotten Bigger'


As Democrats in the House continue their impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, the president’s re-election campaign is saying that the rhetoric of impeachment is only helping Trump’s chances in 2020.

“With this second witch hunt, this ridiculous talk of impeachment … I think it’s getting more people off the sidelines. It’s not something people outside D.C. want,” an anonymous senior campaign official said Tuesday, according to the Washington Examiner.

The official cited an increase in donors, claiming that many of them did not have a history of political donations.

“In the last couple weeks we picked up 50,000 new donors. Fifty thousand — I mean, that’s unheard of.

“And a lot of these people are not people who have given to campaigns in the past,” the official said. “A lot of these people are not people who have volunteered for campaigns in the past.”

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“If I was on the other side, I would think that would be a loud message coming from people outside D.C., everyday Americans who are tired of these witch hunts,” the official said.

Capitalizing off of the Democratic push to impeach the president is nothing new for the Republican Party or the Trump campaign.

Within 36 hours of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement of the impeachment inquiry, the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee revealed that they had already raised $13 million in new donations, Fox News reported.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said on “Fox and Friends” on Oct. 4 that the fundraising spike is proof of a strong and energetic base.

Do you think that impeachment talk is backfiring on Democrats?

“[Donors] recognize that Democrats are trying to nullify their votes,” McDaniel told host Brian Kilmeade. “And it is just bringing in so much enthusiasm, but also financial support for the president.”

“The money coming in for this president is showing that we are well ahead. People know their lives are better and they are willing to put their money behind it,” she added.

Campaign donations, however, are not the only measure of political participation. The Trump campaign touted another significant, if less precise, reason for optimism in 2020: the size of the president’s campaign rallies.

“These rallies seem to have gotten bigger,” the senior Trump campaign official told the Examiner.

At a rally on Thursday in Minneapolis — the first since the impeachment inquiry began — an animated Trump sounded off on House Democrats’ impeachment efforts.

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“This is nothing more than a partisan witch hunt, sabotage, and I’m sure they’re going to say, ‘totally unsubstantiated,’” the president said to applause, Fox News reported.

As a second campaign official told the Examiner, “What the Democrats are trying to do with this very partisan approach to removing a duly elected president of the United States makes a lot of people angry in the country.

“A lot of what we’re seeing in the states is organic. I think that just goes to show you how upset voters are.”

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