
Trump-Endorsed Maricopa County Audit Draws Attention to Election Integrity Issues


A months-long, scrupulous recount of Maricopa County’s 2020 election results found that President Joe Biden won by an even larger margin than originally tallied and that the election was not “rigged” against former President Donald Trump.

The intensive report of Arizona’s largest county, led by the firm Cyber Ninjas and first reported by The Arizona Republic, shows that Trump lost the county by 45,469 votes, more than the 45,109 vote margin originally tabulated.

It also reaffirmed that Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly won the county.

The results were set to be officially announced Friday, The Republic reported.

But while the results further discredit Trump’s claims that the election was stolen from him, the outlet noted that the final report focuses heavily on issues related to the electoral process.

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Both the audit itself and Cyber Ninjas were frequently criticized throughout the process.

Arizona election officials, who were excluded from being involved, consistently raised security concerns over voting machines being forfeited to the company, and the Department of Justice said that it was a potential violation of federal election law.

Officials have also characterized Cyber Ninjas’ methods as dangerously flawed.

“The Ninjas don’t understand Arizona’s voting laws,” Benny White, an Arizona elections consultant, told The Republic.

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“They don’t understand the structure of voting systems.”

“It was a conspiracy to keep Donald Trump in power by extraconstitutional means,” he added.

Trump said Thursday he was looking forward to seeing the audit’s results.

“Everybody will be watching Arizona tomorrow to see what the highly respected auditors and Arizona State Senate found out regarding the so-called Election!”

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A version of this article appeared on the Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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