
Trump Was Honoring His Dear Friend Shinzo Abe While Biden Was Literally Asleep at the Wheel


The assassination of former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe took the world by surprise early Friday morning, especially Donald Trump, who was close friends with Abe during their terms.

While President Joe Biden slept through the Japanese politician’s death, Trump honored Abe with two Truth Social posts before Biden could release one statement.

Even though Trump is no longer president, his timely actions demonstrated he still has what it takes to be a strong leader for America.

The former president posted his first response an hour after Abe was shot in the neck and chest, offering his prayers to Abe and his family.

“He was a true friend of mine, and much more importantly, America. This is a tremendous blow to the wonderful people of Japan, who loved and admired him so much,” the first Truth Social post read.

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(@realDonaldTrump / Truth Social screen shot)


Trump then posted a second response shortly after Abe’s death, showing that he was deeply concerned for his friend and the nation of Japan.

“His killer was captured and will hopefully be dealt with swiftly and harshly,” Trump wrote. “Shinzo Abe will be greatly missed. There will never be another like him!”

(@realDonaldTrump / Truth Social screen shot)

Biden released his statement from the White House at 9 a.m. ET, a full eight hours after Trump’s first response to the assassination.

“I am stunned, outraged, and deeply saddened by the news that my friend [Shinzo Abe], former Prime Minister of Japan, was shot and killed while campaigning,” the White House statement read.

The president’s untimely response was also insensitive, as it mentioned the issue of gun violence after offering condolences to Japan.

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Even though he ordered the American flag at the White House to be flown at half-staff until Sunday, Sleepy Joe’s lack of timeliness in the first place shows how inept his administration really is.

Thankfully, Trump was there to save America’s image at a time of great tragedy in the world.

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CNN reported that the former Japanese prime minister first met Trump in New York City, shortly after the 2016 election, and the two became close allies thereafter. After Trump hosted Abe twice at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, Abe returned the courtesy by hosting Trump and his family in Japan.

Abe even invited Trump and his wife Melania to a sumo wrestling match to show his appreciation for their close friendship.

While tragedy struck Abe and Japan, Trump offered his condolences on behalf of America.

If this event shows us anything, it’s that Biden is half the leader that Trump was while in office.

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David Zimmermann is a contract writer for The Western Journal who also writes for the Washington Examiner and Upward News. Originally from New Jersey, David studied communications at Grove City College. Follow him on Twitter @dezward01.
