
Trump Just Added Worst Possible Name for Dems to SCOTUS List: Sen. Mike Lee


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It’s music to the ears of any constitutional conservative: Supreme Court Justice Mike Lee.

It’s also Democrats’ worst nightmare. If you thought they were freaking out this week over Justice Anthony Kennedy‘s retirement announcement, imagine how they’d react to the Utah senator joining the High Court.

Well, we might soon find out.

President Donald Trump has asked his advisers about nominating Lee to replace Kennedy, according to a Bloomberg News report Thursday that cited “three people familiar with the matter.”

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It’s hard to imagine a better choice for conservatives.

Lee’s rock-solid voting record has earned him perfect 100 percent scores from Conservative Review and the Heritage Foundation. In addition, he has the highest lifetime score from the American Conservative Union at 99.43 percent.

The senator also has a strong background in the law. He has served as a federal court clerk, assistant U.S. attorney and general counsel for Utah’s governor, in addition to his private practice work specializing in appellate and Supreme Court litigation.

Many prominent conservatives have come out strongly in favor of Lee’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

Would you like to see President Trump nominate Sen. Mike Lee to the Supreme Court?

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) appeared on Fox News Wednesday after Kennedy’s announcement and said Lee would be the “single best choice the president could make to fill this vacancy.”

“I think he would be extraordinary,” Cruz said of his friend. “If you look back at Republican nominations to the Court, Democrats have batted almost 1.000. Just about every nominee they’ve put up there has voted the way they wanted on just about every single issue. Republicans at best bat .500. About half of the nominees Republican presidents have put on the Court have turned into train wrecks — have turned into liberal activists.

“The reason why I think the best choice that President Trump could make is Mike Lee is because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mike Lee would be faithful to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.”

Radio host Mark Levin also urged Trump to choose the senator, saying there is “no doubt at all that he’d be absolutely faithful to the Constitution.”

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The response to Levin’s tweet — over 32,000 likes and 10,000 retweets — showed many conservatives agree.

Arthur Schaper of endorsed Lee for the job Friday, citing his staunch constitutionalism, his independence and his relative youth (with the lifetime appointment, the 47-year-old would likely be on the court for decades).

Erick Erickson of The Resurgent said choosing Lee would be a win-win for Trump.

Lee has indicated he would accept the job if nominated.

It seems like a no-brainer. How about it, Mr. President?

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Todd Windsor is a senior story editor at The Western Journal. He has worked as an editor or reporter in news and sports for more than 30 years.
Todd Windsor is a senior story editor at The Western Journal. He was born in Baltimore and grew up in Maryland. He graduated from the University of Miami (he dreams of wearing the turnover chain) and has worked as an editor and reporter in news and sports for more than 30 years. Todd started at The Miami News (defunct) and went on to work at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C., the St. Petersburg (now Tampa Bay) Times, The Baltimore Sun and Space News before joining Liftable Media in 2016. He and his beautiful wife have two amazing daughters and a very old Beagle.
Bachelor of Science from the University of Miami
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