
Trump Comes Forward With Official Statement on Dems Who Refused to Applaud SOTU


During remarks made Thursday at the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting in Washington, D.C., President Donald Trump excoriated Democrats for the way they had behaved during his State of the Union address two nights earlier.

He was particularly bothered by the way they had responded when he announced that black and Hispanic unemployment levels have hit record lows.

“African-American and Hispanic unemployment have both reached the lowest levels ever recorded. That’s something very, very special. And when I made that statement the other night, there was zero movement from the Democrats,” he rightly pointed out.

“They sat there stone cold, no smile, no applause,” he continued. “You would have thought that on that one they would have sort of at least clapped a little bit.”

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Instead, the majority of Democrats remained seated, either staring forward like zombies or rudely inspecting their phones like distracted children at a dinner table.

“Which tells you perhaps they would rather see us not do well than see our country do great. And that’s not good, that’s not good. We need to change that,” the president added.

Can we “change that,” though? From many Americans’ vantage point, it seems clear that the Democrat Party is now “motivated more by hatred of Donald Trump than the best interests of the American people,” as noted by conservative commentator Ben Shapiro of The Daily Wire.

Even Dana Milbank, a leftist columnist for The Washington Post, seemed to recognize this, arguing Wednesday that “the only message the Democratic leaders managed to convey” during the SOTU address “was that they really do not like Trump, for any number of reasons.”

Will the Democrats' hatred for Trump come back to bite them?

Watch the Democrats’ behavior below:

But my question is this: Do we even want “to change that?”

Writing for RedState, Brandon Morse pointed out that the “utter contempt” displayed by the Democrats could come back to bite them in the rear come the 2018 midterm elections and even the 2020 presidential election.

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The American people “saw Democrats frowning as Trump talked about our rising wages, and lower taxes,” he wrote. “They noticed Democrats shaking their heads as Trump talked about getting tough on violent gangs, and defeating terrorists. They saw Democrats stone-faced as the minorities that the left said were being kept down were now getting a better life.”

“Last night Democrats showed their true aims in Washington, and I bet many Americans noticed. I can’t wait to see what they noticed at the polls,” he added.

Good point. While the Democrats’ hatred isn’t inherently good for America, the potential repercussions — more Republicans being elected into office — would be quite advantageous, as they’d make it even easier for the president to continue on his mission to “Make America Great Again.”

And that would be great for all of us.

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