
Trump Reaffirms Support for Freedom of the Press, Slams 'Fake News' for Pushing Political Agenda


More than 300 news outlets across the country editorialized Thursday about the importance of a free press in a coordinated response to President Donald Trump’s attacks on what he calls “fake news.”

“Today in the United States we have a president who has created a mantra that members of the media who do not blatantly support the policies of the current U.S. administration are the ‘enemy of the people,'” opined The Boston Globe, which initiated the effort. “This is one of the many lies that have been thrown out by this president much like an old-time charlatan threw out ‘magic’ dust or water on a hopeful crowd. …

“Lies are antithetical to an informed citizenry, responsible for self-governance. The greatness of America is dependent on the role of a free press to speak the truth to the powerful. To label the press ‘the enemy of the people’ is as un-American as it is dangerous to the civic compact we have shared for more than two centuries.”

The president responded to the editorial campaign with a tweet Thursday in which he reaffirmed the news media’s rights under the First Amendment.

“There is nothing that I would want more for our Country than true FREEDOM OF THE PRESS,” Trump tweeted. “The fact is that the Press is FREE to write and say anything it wants …”

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However, he couldn’t resist adding that “much of what it says is FAKE NEWS, pushing a political agenda or just plain trying to hurt people. HONESTY WINS!”

Do you think the establishment media report fairly and accurately on the Trump administration?

Most of the news outlets that editorialized Thursday didn’t address the question of media integrity, bias or accuracy except to declare they are not “fake news.”

However, many of them have published stories about Trump that turned out to be false.

Federalist senior editor Mollie Hemingway suggested the media would make a better case for themselves by reporting “fairly and accurately” on the president and his administration.

Others said the real threat to a free press today is against new media outlets — and it comes not from the government but from the establishment media.

Trump addressed the coordinated editorials earlier Thursday by taking a shot at the ringleader. He tweeted that The Globe “is in COLLUSION with other papers on free press” — an apparent mocking reference to allegations that his presidential campaign colluded with Russia.

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It looks like the animosity between the president and the establishment media won’t be going away anytime soon.

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Todd Windsor is a senior story editor at The Western Journal. He has worked as an editor or reporter in news and sports for more than 30 years.
Todd Windsor is a senior story editor at The Western Journal. He was born in Baltimore and grew up in Maryland. He graduated from the University of Miami (he dreams of wearing the turnover chain) and has worked as an editor and reporter in news and sports for more than 30 years. Todd started at The Miami News (defunct) and went on to work at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C., the St. Petersburg (now Tampa Bay) Times, The Baltimore Sun and Space News before joining Liftable Media in 2016. He and his beautiful wife have two amazing daughters and a very old Beagle.
Bachelor of Science from the University of Miami
Phoenix, Arizona
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