
Trump Sec Recounts Time Biden Creepily Touched Her, Says It Would Be 'Sexual Harassment' Under His Own Proposals


An interview with former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has sent the parallel trends of #CreepyJoe and #MeToo careening into each other in a fiery collision that could very well consume the Biden White House in scandal.

During an episode of “The Megyn Kelly Show,” DeVos claimed that prior to his installation as president, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. pressed his forehead against hers as the two were having a conversation.

Aside from being just a creepy interaction, it was one that under the Biden administration’s proposed updates to Title IX law could be considered an act of “sexual harassment,” DeVos said.

“I’ve only had one encounter with Joe Biden, and it was before he decided to run for president again,” DeVos told host Megyn Kelly on the Wednesday podcast. She added that she had never met him before this encounter.

“I was in a wheelchair. I was backstage after speaking,” she recalled. “He came up to me, put his hands on my shoulders and his forehead on my forehead for several seconds, and had conversation with me.”

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DeVos continued, “If he had done that as a student on a college campus, under his proposed rule I would have a Title IX sexual harassment allegation to levy against him because of his conduct.”

While DeVos did not specify when this took place, both she and Biden were speakers at the winter meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors in January 2019. At the time, DeVos was wheelchair-bound following a cycling accident, according to the New York Post.

Biden asked about her injury, DeVos explained to Kelly, and “told me he had nine screws in his shoulder but everybody thought they were in his head.”

“He was doing this while holding onto my shoulders with his forehead pressed to mine,” DeVos said.

Do you believe DeVos?

Kelly seemed aghast at the revelation, describing the act as “disgusting” and “another example of [Biden’s] inappropriate boundary-crossing.”

Taking to Twitter after the fact, the veteran journalist wrote, “Did not see this one coming today in my interview w/Betsy DeVos.”

While The Western Journal has been unable to locate footage of the alleged incident, we do have an otherwise unrelated video that approaches the right level of creepiness.

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During the interview, DeVos was highly critical of the Biden-Harris regime’s drive to reverse Trump administration reforms of Title IX that swept away provisions that allowed malicious false accusations of sexual harassment to be made with impunity.

As education secretary, DeVos applied reforms to “combat sexual misconduct without abandoning our core values of fairness, presumption of innocence and due process.” She was making the point on Kelly’s show that under Biden’s proposed changes to her reforms, he too could be accused of misconduct over the forehead incident.

Her revelation of the incident itself, though, may have overshadowed the point about Title IX reform she sought to make.

The Western Journal reached out to the White House for comment prior to publication and will update this article with any response.

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