
Trump Walked Ahead of Queen and Media Didn't Let Him Forget It - Now There Are Crickets When It Comes to Biden's Act in Front of King


America’s corporate media stooges continue to exhibit blatant left-wing bias in their restrained coverage of President Joe Biden’s countless gaffes compared with the open contempt they displayed toward Donald Trump during his presidency.

In the latest blatant breach of journalistic objectivity, the legacy media are curiously silent about two major faux pas by the current president while he met with England’s King Charles III this week.

During a visit to Windsor Castle on Monday, a bumbling Biden walked in front of the king in violation of royal protocol that people should not turn their backs on the head of the British monarchy.

When Trump did something similar while visiting Queen Elizabeth in 2018, the corporate media went bonkers in their vindictive rebuke of the 45th president.

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Never mind the fact that Trump was only in front of the queen for a moment, while Biden seemed lost and confused throughout the honor guard review at Windsor Castle.

Moreover, Biden committed another breach of royal etiquette by repeatedly touching King Charles during their encounter.

Protocol dictates that you are not supposed to touch a member of the royal family.

In the grand scheme of things, these are minor infractions.

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However, when Trump was president, the establishment media condemned such actions as displays of arrogance or ignorance.

By now, most people are well aware of the corporate media’s left-wing bias and open hostility toward conservatives, so this is hardly an earth-shattering revelation.

But you’d think that with public opinion of the press hovering near historic lows, the media would at least make an effort to exhibit some semblance of objectivity in their coverage.

At this point, Biden’s major issue is not the constant stream of epic gaffes he commits, but his destructive policies, which have ushered in crushing inflation, daily border invasions, rampant crime, festering racial tensions and escalating geopolitical unrest.

These toxic policy blunders are not only endangering the lives of all Americans, but they’re also severely compromising global stability.

Where is the media outrage over this sordid state of affairs?

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