
Turning Tide: Giuliani Goes on the Offensive Against Stormy Daniels


Continuing a string of controversial media appearances, President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani this week attacked both the character and appearance of the adult-film actress at the center of an ongoing lawsuit.

The former New York City mayor has previously assailed the legitimacy of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, but shifted targets during an appearance at the Globes Capital Market conference in Tel Aviv, Israel, this week.

Recalling a widely criticized defense Trump himself employed against accusers during the campaign, Giuliani implied Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, was not attractive enough for Trump’s tastes.

Giuliani told the audience to “look at Stormy Daniels” before contorting his face into a scowl.

“I know Donald Trump and — what good is three wives, beautiful women, classy women, women of great substance,” he said. “Stormy Daniels?”

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At that point, the event’s moderator cut him off, explaining that participants were expected to “respect every woman” while on the stage.

A defiant Giuliani continued, suggesting that by virtue of Clifford’s career she is not entitled to the same respect as other women.

“Yes I respect porn stars,” he said. “Don’t you respect porn stars? Or do you think that porn stars desecrate women? Do you think that porn stars don’t respect women? And therefore sell their bodies.”

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Giuliani went on to clarify that he does not afford Clifford the same respect as “a career woman or a woman of substance or a woman who has great respect for herself as a woman and as a person and isn’t going to sell her body for sexual exploitation.”

His extended public ridicule of the president’s accuser earned a swift rebuke from Clifford’s attorney.

Michael Avenatti, who has appeared frequently on cable news in recent months to provide updates on his client’s case, first shot back at Giuliani on Wednesday with a tweet calling him “a misogynist.”

“His most recent comments regarding my client, who passed a lie detector test and who the American people believe, are disgusting and a disgrace,” Avenatti wrote of Giuliani. “His client Mr. Trump didn’t seem to have any “moral” issues with her and others back in 2006 and beyond.”

Avenatti continued his response during an appearance on CNN the same day, calling Giuliani an “absolute pig” for making the remarks.

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Giuliani further claimed Clifford “has no reputation” based on her career choice, making the dubious legal claim that someone in the adult-film industry cannot suffer damages by defamation.

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Chris Agee is an American journalist with more than 15 years of experience in a wide range of newsrooms.
Chris Agee is an American journalist with more than 15 years of experience in a variety of newsroom settings. After covering crime and other beats for newspapers and radio stations across the U.S., he served as managing editor at Western Journalism until 2017. He has also been a regular guest and guest host on several syndicated radio programs. He lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with his wife and son.
Texas Press Association, Best News Writing - 2012
Bachelor of Arts, Journalism - Averett University
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