
Two Students from China Arrested for Allegedly Using Stolen Credit Cards To Pay College Tuition


Two University of New Hampshire students from China were arrested May 16 for allegedly using stolen credit cards to pay for college tuition and other bills to the school.

Chunyang Li, 20, allegedly tried to pay the university $56,000 with credit cards from California, Florida, New Jersey, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin and Australia.

Chenghan Wang, 20, tried to cover $3,600 in bills using a card from Maryland, the New York Post reported Wednesday.

Li allegedly told investigators he was not aware that the stolen credit cards were used to pay his tuition and a traffic fine, according to the Post.

UNH spokesman Erika Mantz said the alleged fraud was reported to police after workers in the business office detected the credit card activity, according to the New Hampshire Union Leader.

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Investigation began April 9.

Li was charged with nine counts of felony and Wang was charged with one felony and one misdemeanor charge of attempted fraud, the Post reported.

The students pleaded not guilty to the charges and were released on $5,000 bail.

Li and Wang’s passports were seized, according to the Union Leader.

According to The Post, the classmates said a stranger offered them discounted tuition by text.

The UNH Police Department did not immediately respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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