
'Uncommitted' Vote Shows Strong Performance Against Biden on Super Tuesday, and it Could Cost Him the Election


There’s a rising star in the Democratic Party and you’d never guess who it is.

Mostly, you could never guess it because it’s not a person but the option of “Uncommitted” on ballots during Super Tuesday’s contests.

The option — or its equivalent — has seen a surprisingly strong performance as it managed to take swaths of votes away from President Joe Biden.

The president has already seen this foe before as he managed to lose 13.2 percent of votes and two delegates to the faceless figure during the Feb. 27 Michigan primary, according to results published by The New York Times.

Biden’s foe once again returned on Super Tuesday, showing up particularly strong within certain states.

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“Uncommitted” garnered nearly 20 percent of the Democratic vote in Minnesota as of about 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, Eastern Time, according to the Times — the biggest opposition the president has seen so far in any state.

Alabama saw a considerable number of votes being siphoned away from Biden as “Uncommitted” had roughly 6 percent and Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips had roughly 5 percent, according to the Times.

Phillips also shows up in Colorado where he got about 3 percent of the vote, unfortunately behind “Noncommitted Delegate” which had roughly 8 percent, according to the Times.

Massachusetts had the most diverse ticket for the Democrats as spiritual guru Marianne Williamson garnered about 3 percent, Phillips pulled in roughly 4.6 percent and “No preference” netted about 9.4 percent, according to the Times.

Are you voting against Biden?

The lost votes don’t end there though for Biden as roughly 8 percent of votes in Tennessee’s primary went to “Uncommitted,” according to the Times.

Many more states are seeing the president lose considerable numbers of votes to either “Uncommitted” and its friends, or other candidates, but the important aspect is that it could all make a difference in November.

The reality that Biden is losing a considerable number of votes against literal non-options is a major deal when it comes to the general election.

If his party can’t unite behind him now, what’s the likelihood voters will show up to give their support when it really counts?

Countless Democrats have already become disillusioned with the aging president after a disastrous first term that saw historic inflation, global conflict and an obvious lack of capable leadership.

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Perhaps the results on Super Tuesday are a sign that support is beginning to wane for Biden and his ticket may already be doomed for 2024.

Of course, his presumptive opponent is former President Donald Trump, the greatest evil the world has ever seen, according to the establishment media, so the Biden campaign is going to be getting plenty of help.

But even losing 1 percent of his vote before an extremely tight election could be damning for Biden.

Super Tuesday may see Biden winning all the states but it’s hard to consider losing such a massive number of votes to nobody a real win.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


And if the leftists and the elites get their way, that’s exactly what will happen — no real election, no real choice for the Electoral College, and no real say for the American people. 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor


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