
US Navy Provides Emergency Healthcare for People Fleeing Socialist Venezuela


Under President Donald Trump, the United States Navy has been providing humanitarian aid to the long-suffering Venezuelans. These poor people are malnourished and lack medical care and medicines under the socialist regime of Nicolas Maduro.

Fox News reports that a floating US Navy hospital, the USNS Comfort, has already treated approximately 20,000 people in an assignment called Enduring Promise 2018.

On board the Comfort are x-ray machines, blood pack supplies, and opportunities for dental, eye, skin, and women’s care, plus all general medicine. Many of the patients appear with skin infections that are risking sepsis. Infants are presenting not only dehydration and malnutrion, but also congenital defects.

Another portion are presenting with cardiac issues.  There have been other reports of widespread health concerns from lack of basic medicines, such as diabetes treatments.

The chaos in Venezuela is also leading to apparent mental health issues.  The personnel aboard the Comfort have been exceedingly mindful to listen with sympathy to patients and their care-givers, according to Fox.

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The Comfort is a non-combatant vessel treating mainly Venezuelans and Columbians through a partnership with Columbia, Peru, Ecuador and Honduras. Treatment is aboard ship or on land at partner sites. Four helicopters aboard ship fly acute-care patients to partner medical sites as needed.

Navy Public Affairs Officer, Ensign Cody L. Keim, told Fox that anyone who presents is treated and that the US personnel do not question any particular patient’s immigration status.

“We want every individual that comes to us seeking treatment to know that they will be treated to the same standard, with the highest level of respect, which we would provide to our own family members,” he said.

The difference between freedom-loving capitalism and socialism could not be more stark than in a comparison of the United States under Donald Trump and Venezuela under Nicolas Maduro and his terrible socialist predecessor, Hugo Chavez.

Does this show the failings of socialism?

According to the World Atlas, with 300,878 billion barrels of proven reserves, Venezuela has the largest amount of proven oil reserves in the world. However, Venezuela’s production has decreased as the Chavez-Maduro regimes have clamped down on freedoms, driving out approximately 3 million people, nearly one tenth of the Venezuelan population of allmost 32 million, according to the CIA World Fact Book. 

Approximately half of the immigrants, or 1.5 million Venezuelans, may be considered a “brain drain” of middle- and upper-class Venezuelans, many of whom were involved in geological science, according to The Conversation. They were essentially forced out at the beginning of the Hugo Chavez regime, when Chavez took over oil production to subsidize his so-called populist reforms.

Much of the reforms represented a socialist redistribution of wealth, but the Chavez-Maduro programs have fallen apart as the underlying wealth has been trampled upon by the socialists’ own oppression of their most productive workers.

Compare Venezuela’s destruction with the United States’ growth under President Trump, who has removed fetters from business, thereby inspiring new methods of oil extraction.

According to Business Insider, this impetus of freedom has actually made the United States the number one world oil reserve country. And, under Donald Trump, the United States is the world’s number one oil producer, according to US Energy Information Administration (EIA).

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Meanwhile, Venezuela’s corrupt socialists have stripped the country’s Parliamentary Assembly of Power, replaced the Venezuelan Supreme Court in one fell swoop, increased corruption and violent crime, and driven up inflation into the mind-boggling 1000s- to millions- percent over the last few years.

The humanitarian efforts of the USNS Comfort sailors and medical personnel represents the wealth of charity available from a strong, vibrant and free United States under President Trump.

The Navy expects to treat approximately 5,000 more patients before returning the Comfort to its Norfolk, Virginia, base around Christmas. And what a blessed Christmas that will be for all of these hard-working Navy servicemen and staff!

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Karista Baldwin studied constitutional law, politics and criminal justice.
Karista Baldwin has studied constitutional law, politics and criminal justice. Before college, she was a lifelong homeschooler in the "Catholic eclectic" style.
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