
USA Today Cleans Up Biden's Mess for Him After He Commits Astonishing Error


Joe Biden’s bizarre statements and behavior make headlines almost daily. Yet it turns out, even with that type of extensive coverage, Americans might not always getting the full story on Biden’s troubling lapses.

On Wednesday, another example occurred of how far the establishment media will go to defending and running interference for Democrats, especially the shockingly frequent gaffes from Biden.

USA Today ran a Biden quote regarding the status of Russian President Vladimir Putin as, “He’s losing the war at home.  And he has become a bit of a pariah around the world.” What USA Today left out of its story and subsequent tweet was the beginning of Biden’s sentence: “It’s hard to tell, but he’s clearly losing the war in Iraq.”

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Russia is at war in Ukraine, not Iraq. Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Commander in Chief Biden was only wrong about the location of the fighting by over a thousand miles, a few decades, and the identity of the combatants.

Surely, this is nothing to worry about.

It’s not the first time Biden misplaced the conflict. In a November 2022 speech, Biden not only named Iraq as the current war zone, he falsely claimed his son Beau Biden died there.

Given the special treatment the U.S. government has lavished on Ukraine, it’s surprising Biden would misspeak the country’s name. He has, quite literally, billions of reasons to remember the country.

Do you trust USA Today?

Biden has overseen the transfer of hundreds of billions of US taxpayer money to the country he can’t recall the name of.

Much to the world’s consternation, Biden’s Ukraine policies have brought everyone to the brink on nuclear war with Russia.

And much to the consternation of fair-minded Americans, Biden’s son Hunter is also entangled in financial scandals based out of Ukraine.

All these factors should make Ukraine foremost in Biden’s mind, or what is left of it. But Biden didn’t correct himself when he clearly flubbed an important detail. It was another display of a lack of mental competence.

Biden didn’t need to correct himself because the press covers up for him.

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There were Twitter users who called out the misstatement and USA Today’s lie of omission.

“Except he thinks were fighting in Iraq,” one Twitter user

“Case in point. Media is the enemy of the people. When media protects the government, they’re not protecting you,” another disgruntled Twitter user pointed out.

“USA Today is lying and omitting part of Biden’s quote,” one curious Twitter user asked. “Why would you do that, USA Today?”

It appears that at one point USA Today’s tweet earned a corrective Twitter Community Note: “Readers added context they thought people might want to know. While presented as a direct quote from the president, he actually said Putin was ‘losing the war in Iraq, losing the war at home.’”

That Community Note no longer appears on the USA Today tweet. Did enough Democrat “fact-checkers” get to the tweet?

Voters and the American people deserve to know the truth about the condition of the leaders steering the nation along perilous paths.

Instead, the media acts like nothing happened, and works to filter out the failings of some of our elected officials.

After pulling stunts like this Biden stealth edit, the press should not have to wonder why no one trusts them. Our leaders and the media are behaving like partners in crime, trying to conceal evidence.

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Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
