
USA Uses UN Security Council Veto to Overcome 12-1 Vote - Result Will Enrage Far Left


Playing both sides when it comes to Israel — showing sympathy for the Palestinians along with supposedly ironclad support for the Jewish State — can make the Biden administration look good for a news cycle or two.

When President Joe Biden does the right thing in supporting Israel, you just have to stay tuned for the inevitable flip-flop, a hallmark of the Democratic brand.

Iowa GOP Rep. Ashley Hinson nailed it in a post on X last week, saying, “Biden’s flip flops on Israel show just how spineless he is when it comes to foreign policy.”


On Thursday, however, the U.S. stood alongside its strongest ally in the Middle East.

It vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution that would have recognized “Palestine” as a member state of the international body, according to CNN.

The vote came in at 12 Security Council members in favor of the cockeyed scheme and only one — the United States — opposing it.

The United Kingdom and Switzerland, which appear to be playing both sides as well, abstained.

Was the U.S. correct in vetoing this measure?

The United Nations has long entertained the dream of a Palestinian state and Israel co-existing with secure and recognized borders.

There’s a problem, however — the Palestinians want territory in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza, all of which was captured by Israel in 1967, as reported by Ireland’s National Public Service Media, RTÉ.

In other words, there is no Palestinian state, and unless Israel agrees to pack up and leave Gaza, the West Bank and even parts of Jerusalem, there’s not going to be.

Why in heaven or on earth would Israel ever agree to that?

Israel’s U.N. ambassador, Gilad Erdan, said the Palestinians aren’t even qualified to become a full U.N. member, according to the RTÉ. To qualify, they would need a “permanent population, defined territory, government, and capacity to enter relations with other states.”

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“Who is the council voting to ‘recognize’ and give full membership status to? Hamas in Gaza?” Erdan asked the Security Council. “The Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Nablus? Who?”

These questions should have been asked long before the subject ever landed on the United Nations’ agenda, let alone come up for a vote.

Erdan went on to say granting full membership to the Palestinians would “have zero positive impact for any party … cause only destruction for years to come, and harm any chance for future dialogue.”

It doesn’t take a genius in political science to realize that he is right. It’s common sense. And yet the vote was 12-1.

Granting “Palestine” full membership in the U.N. would serve only one cause: the dark forces bent on destroying not only Israel and what’s left of the U.S. but Western civilization itself.

Take, for example, the reaction of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. According to CNN, Abbas condemned the U.S. veto, saying it was “unfair, immoral and unjustified, and defies the will of the international community, which strongly supports the State of Palestine obtaining full membership in the United Nations.”

Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel on Oct. 7 was “unfair, immoral and unjustified.”

Handing Palestinians the prize of a full U.N. membership would be nothing less than an official sanction of the terrorist attack.

After the U.S. veto, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz applauded the move.

“The proposal to recognize a Palestinian state, more than 6 months after the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and after the sexual crimes and other atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists was a reward for terrorism,” he said in a post on X.

“I commend the United States for vetoing this shameful proposal,” Katz said.

Predictably, Vasily Nebenzia, the Russian ambassador to the United Nations, called the U.S. veto “a hopeless attempt to stop the inevitable course of history. The results of the vote where Washington was practically in complete isolation, speak for themselves,” according to the RTÉ.

It’s better to stand alone than to be in wicked company.

In a glaring example of how woke ideology can disfigure concepts such as “inclusion,” Michéal Martin, the Irish minister for foreign affairs, said he was “disappointed” at the outcome of the U.N. Security Council vote.

“It is past time for Palestine to take its rightful place amongst the nations of the world,” Martin posted on X.

What do wokenistas, communists, socialists and Islamic terrorists all have in common? They hate Israel.

The U.S. veto of full U.N. membership for “Palestine” — which is not a nation-state — is not only logical, it’s a blessing.

Given all the leftist ideologues in the Biden administration and beyond, it almost seems an act of God. It’s clear Biden is no friend of Israel.

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Jack Gist has published books, short stories, poems, essays, and opinion pieces in outlets such as The Imaginative Conservative, Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Galway Review, and others. His genre-bending novel The Yewberry Way: Prayer (2023) is the first installment of a trilogy that explores the relationship between faith and reason. He can be found at
Jack Gist has published books, short stories, poems, essays, and opinion pieces in outlets such as The Imaginative Conservative, Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Galway Review, and others. His genre-bending novel The Yewberry Way: Prayer (2023) is the first installment of a trilogy that explores the relationship between faith and reason. He can be found at
