
US Military Releases Video of Russian Fighters Aggressive Maneuver on Surveillance Drone


Despite the insistence by the leftist media that President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are “closer than ever,” as CNN recently put it, Russia’s continuing aggression toward U.S. military forces suggests otherwise.

On Tuesday the Conservative Tribune reported that, during an unnecessary provocation Monday, a Russian Su-27 Flanker fighter jet purposefully buzzed within five feet of a U.S. EP-3 Aries reconnaissance aircraft on a routine patrol.

Later that evening, the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet posted a video of the altercation on YouTube, according to the Washington Examiner.


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For two people in a “bizarre love affair,” as Salon once described it, Trump and Putin’s respective military forces seem to constantly be at each other’s throats — and more often than not because of unprovoked Russian aggression.

Last month two U.S. Air Force stealth fighters jet pilots were forced to “head-butt” a pair of Russian attack jets to force them out of an off-limits area of Syria.

Over the summer an armed Russian fighter jet came within just five feet of a U.S. Air Force reconnaissance plane during an unsafe altercation that occurred over the Baltic Sea. Once it achieved a position alongside the U.S. craft, the jet’s maneuvers became even more “provocative” as it began flying “erratically,” according to U.S. officials who spoke with Fox News at the time.

And last March a Russian fighter jet tried to buzz a U.S. warship for no good reason. The ship wound up firing warning shots to scare the jet away.

Do you think the U.S. needs to be tough on Russian aggression?

Yet according to a news report from “fake news” CNN published last month, Trump and Putin are “closer than ever.” In defense of this ludicrous assertion, CNN pointed to a recent phone call between the two.

“After President Donald Trump spoke by phone on Sunday from a cabin at Camp David to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, the press release describing their call featured something unusual: an exclamation point,” CNN reported.

“The theatric punctuation seemed designed to underscore the cheery tenor of the conversation, during which Putin thanked Trump for the CIA’s help in thwarting a terror plot on St. Petersburg, Russia.”

So, because Trump spoke with another world leader, and because that world leader thanked him for helping thwart a terrorist attack, the two are “closer than ever” and in love, apparently.

Regarding Monday’s provocation, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert blasted Russia for “disregarding international norms and agreements” and called on it “to cease these unsafe actions that increase the risk of miscalculation, danger to aircrew on both sides, and midair collisions.”

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If this is what the leftists at Salon, CNN and other left-wing websites classify as love, I cannot imagine what they classify as hate. *shudders at the thought*

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