
Video Shows Leftists Shocked, Dumbfounded and Unable to Answer One Simple Question About Women


On Wednesday, Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn asked Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson to define the word “woman.” To most people, the answer would be simple.

Any sane person who understands basic biology knows that a woman is a human being with two X chromosomes and female reproductive parts.

As with most things, there are rare exceptions to this rule. The left is quick to point out, for example, that some women are born with Turner syndrome, meaning they lack part or all of one X chromosome.

Still, the overarching point is that a woman is defined by basic biological characteristics that can be observed at or even before birth. This is a scientific fact, and a well-trained judge like Jackson should have no issue understanding it.

Yet instead of providing a definition like that, Jackson said she was unable to define the word woman because she is “not a biologist.”

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While Jackson’s response was clearly ridiculous, it is not uncommon on the left. The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh found this out firsthand.

According to a press release from The Daily Wire, Walsh set out to find an answer to the same question Blackburn asked Jackson. His efforts were part of a documentary entitled, “What is a Woman?”

Is this an easy question to answer?

“For the last 8 months, Walsh has traveled the world asking a litany of ‘experts,’ laymen, and even African tribesmen to define the word ‘woman,'” the company wrote.

If a trailer for the documentary is any indication, Walsh does not appear to find much success. He can be seen asking the question to various men and women around the world, none of whom provide a clear answer in the trailer.

“I sought out experts in every field in the gender theory world — doctors, therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, politicians, activists, and transgender people themselves — and I put the question to them directly,” Walsh said according to the release.

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“I found — and you’ll see in the film — their arguments collapsed not with hammer blows or a hard push, but with simple questions, because the core of gender ideology is hollow.”

At one point in the trailer, Walsh sits down with Democrat Rep. Mark Takano. The video then quickly cuts to a seemingly angry Takano standing up and leaving the interview.

“I just wanted to know, ‘what is a woman?'” Walsh said.

“And you’re not gonna find out,” a woman from offscreen responded.

The Western Journal reached out to Rep. Takano’s office for comment on the incident and did not receive a response.

Leftists’ inability to answer this simple question proves just how illogical their position is. Instead of providing the simple and easy definition of a woman, they would rather avoid the question for fear of angering portions of their base.

This trailer provides just a glimpse of the twisted logic leftists attempt to forward. Some of the insanity will likely become more apparent when Walsh releases his full documentary in May.

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Grant is a graduate of Virginia Tech with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. He has five years of writing experience with various outlets and enjoys covering politics and sports.
Grant is a graduate of Virginia Tech with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He has five years of writing experience with various outlets and enjoys covering politics and sports.
