
Washington Post Turns Terrorist Sympathizer After Hiring Man Arrested for Al Qaeda Ties


The Washington Post, a virulently liberal news publisher known for sharing stories supportive of illegal immigrants, allowed a convicted Islamic terrorist by the name of Ismail Royer to pen a column to its readers earlier this month that took evangelicals to task for their “prejudice” against Muslims such as himself.

Formerly a communications specialist for the terror-affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations, Royer was indicted in June 2003 on charges related to his active participation in the Kashmiri Insurgency, an ongoing dispute between Kashmiri jihadists and the Indian government, according to journalist Steven Emerson’s Investigative Project on Terrorism.

The project adds that his crimes included “purchas(ing) an AK-47 assault rifle and 219 rounds of ammunition, distribut(ing) newsletters for a group later designated as a foreign terrorist organization, and fir(ing) at Indian targets in Kashmir.”

He served 13 years in federal prison for these “terrorism-related charges,” as The Washington Post honestly pointed out in a short bio at the end of Royer’s piece.

The Post also claimed he’s since “worked in the nonprofit sector developing strategies to promote religious liberty and undermine extremist ideology.”

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Speaking with WND over the weekend, however, frequent Fox News contributor Zuhdi Jasser questioned the sincerity of Royer’s alleged rehabilitation.

“Americans are always willing to accept a story of redemption and rehabilitation, but just being anti-terrorism is not the barometer,” he said.

Especially when your own words betray you.

In his column for the Post, for instance, Royer seemed to defend Islam’s more fundamentalist beliefs, such as the support for female genital mutilation and child marriage.

Does Ismail Royer sound like a reformed Islamist?

He specifically argued that “evangelical misgivings about Muslims feed a cycle of secularization in the American Muslim community” wherein “a skittish American Muslim community” is essentially pressured to “distance itself from Islamic teachings on human sexuality that might seem ‘fundamentalist’ to the broader society but are still common among many conservative Muslims.”

Royer basically blamed Evangelicals, in part, for provoking some fundamentalist Muslims into abandoning their sick and disturbing belief systems.

Jasser noticed this as well: “(H)e sees evidence in the Post column that the former CAIR staffer still adheres to the doctrines of Islamic supremacism that threaten the sovereignty of the United States,” WND reported.

Royer also cited the purportedly good work being performed by “imams nationwide, such as Mohamed Magid of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society mosque in Northern Virginia.”

Great, except according to Jasser, Magid happens to be affiliated with the terror-connected Muslim Brotherhood.

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Let’s be clear here: Royer does not sound like a reformed Islamist. If anything, he sounds like an inordinately sneaky one who’s managed to hoodwink The Washington Post into permitting him to spout his still-fundamentalist (and wrong) beliefs to the world.

Shame on the Post. And shame on Royer as well.

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