
Watch: Biden Nearly Biffs It Going Up the Short Stairs of Air Force One - 'Holding On for Dear Life'


Joe Biden’s performance as president has been so bad, it’s become newsworthy when he avoids committing an embarrassing error in public.

On Thursday, in order to board Air Force One, Biden had to complete a task which has become a consistent source of difficulty for him — the incumbent president had to ascend a set of stairs.

Thank goodness Biden’s handlers recently determined he cannot handle the dramatic, long stairway presidents usually use when entering or exiting the plane. Even on the alternative short steps Biden now uses, he almost took a spill. It appeared the only thing keeping him upright was a death grip on the banister rail.

“Holding on for dear life,” is how the Citizen Free Press captioned the clip on Twitter, accompanied by David Lee Roth’s jaunty cover version of “Just a Gigolo.”

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RNC Research gave a more straightforward take on the “will he or won’t he” drama that now occurs whenever Biden is seen walking, but it still wasn’t a particularly glowing assessment of the incumbent president.

“Biden stumbles a bit as he boards Air Force One — using the smaller stairs — en route to the United States. He took no questions.”

Their version of the clip includes footage of Biden awkwardly stopping and waving from the doorway before disappearing into the interior of the plane.

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When presidential coverage has to include whether or not the supposed leader of the free world managed to avoid a face plant during a routine appearance, it’s not a good look. To the chagrin of Biden and his team, his record of physical and mental slips makes the topic particularly relevant.

Recent Biden stumbles and tumbles include a particularly embarrassing incident at U.S. Air Force Academy commencement in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in June, which revealed Biden was wearing some kind of enhanced shoes. Social media users conjectured their strange design was meant to help prevent mishaps. They did not work.

In February Biden fell up the long stairs of Air Force One.

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That was better than he did in March of 2021, when he fell three times on the plane’s “longer” stairs.

In a particularly viral gaffe, in June of 2022, Biden fell over while on a completely stationery bicycle.

Adding literal insult to injury, pranksters got the location of the collapse and labelled it as “Brandon Falls” on Google Maps, a not-so-subtle reference to the “Brandon” nickname sometimes bestowed upon the president.

In addition to his mobility challenges, Biden critics have often claimed that he exhibits symptoms of dementia, such as having angry outbursts and losing focus in the middle of events, even while being guided.

Biden’s verbal gaffes are even more frequent than his physical ones, as a list prepared in 2022 demonstrated. His performance as not improved since then.

Biden’s doddering persona could be seen as “a fitting snapshot of America in decline,” conservative pundit Benny Johnson stated after an ill-advised Biden beach trip.

However, ultimately the Biden puppet act says more about the rot and feebleness of our corrupt political class than our country.

Yes, Americans deserve better than Biden. But Americans also deserve a president that can just stand upright when climbing stairs.

It’s honestly not that much to ask for.

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Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
