
Watch: Bill Maher Blasts Biden for Saying He Can't Fix Border Crisis without New Law, Receives Massive Applause


Bill Maher, the host of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” isn’t being fooled by President Joe Biden and his band of thieves regarding the wave of illegal immigrants entering this country across the southern border.

Most Americans realize the president could shut the border in a heartbeat.

He simply isn’t doing it. That’s the bottom line.

Maher shared this truth on his show Friday with guests New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu and Jessica Tarlov, co-host of “The Five” on Fox News.

The liberal host criticized both Republicans and Democrats for “acting” when it comes to the border crisis.

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He said GOP lawmakers “don’t want this issue to be solved” because they want to use it in this year’s political campaigns.

Maher then turned his ire on the Democrats.

Do you agree with Maher?

“Part two of the acting is Joe Biden saying, ‘You know what, if you just give me a new law.’ A new law? Why doesn’t — the president can fix this. He already has the existing laws. This is all so silly. ‘I need a piece of paper from Congress to deal with the border.’ No, you already have that,” he said.

Sununu concurred, chiming in to say, “And Border Patrol will tell that to you right to your face.”‘

The audience applauded the host’s remarks.

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There’s no question Biden could stop this invasion of illegal immigrants.

House Speaker Mike Johnson shared the “Real Time” clip on X and said, “Even Bill Maher gets it. President Biden absolutely has the authority right now to fix the catastrophe he’s created at the border.”

This is an invasion by design, and the Biden administration is leading it.

The day he took office, Biden reversed everything former President Donald Trump put in place to control the border. He has done everything since to place our nation in a state of chaos while the invasion takes place.

Close the doors and return to the Trump-era border policies. That’s the recipe to solve this problem — and Biden already has everything he needs to execute it.

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Laura J. Wellington is an award-winning children's television creator, author, blogger and technology entrepreneur. A TED Speaker, she is the founder of the THREAD MB blog as well as the ZNEEX app, combining new friendships and walking on the local level.
Laura J. Wellington is an award-winning children's television creator, author, blogger and technology entrepreneur. A TED Speaker, she is the founder of the THREAD MB blog as well as the ZNEEX app, combining new friendships and walking on the local level.
