
Watch: Horrific Violence Makes Its Way to Biden's Home Turf - Shop Owner Pistol-Whipped and Brutalized


Violent crime has metastasized nationwide ever since Joe Biden became president, and there’s apparently no end in sight for this chilling escalation.

On Sept. 15, a Korean-American jewelry store owner was viciously beaten during a robbery in Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, Delaware.

David Suh, one of the shop owner’s two sons, told WPVI-TV in Philadelphia that he’s angry about the savage beating of his 68-year-old father, an immigrant who was proud of having achieved his “American Dream.”

“It hurts a lot to see the footage,” he said on Tuesday.

A 36-second clip from the 20-minute surveillance video shows Chang Suh repeatedly being kicked in the head by a man whom police have identified as Calvin Ushery, 39.

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The attack started shortly after the suspect pretended he was interested in buying something. When Suh’s head was lowered, the man grabbed him by the neck and pistol-whipped him.

The suspect then jumped over the counter and stomped on the helpless Suh, who was lying injured on the floor.

WARNING: The following video contains brutal violence that some viewers will find disturbing.

The store owner, who suffered internal bleeding and brain trauma, is in a rehabilitation facility relearning how to eat and talk.

On Monday, Steve Suh posted a chilling photo of his bloodied father on Facebook.

Suh’s sons, David and Steve, said the 20-minute video of the attack is so barbaric they were reluctant to share it in its entirety.

David Suh — an Army veteran who served in Afghanistan and Iraq — told WPVI that he has “seen a lot of violence in my life” during his military career, but he was shocked by the savagery of the unprovoked attack on his father.

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He believes the cold-blooded viciousness he witnessed stemmed from “Asian hate.”

“You don’t have that level of violence without hate,” Suh told WPVI.

He was referring to the alarming spate of violence against Asians that has erupted during the past two years, usually perpetrated by black Americans.

Do you think violent crime will continue to rise in America?

The liberal media have downplayed, excused or ignored this disturbing trend — and even farcically blamed it on “white supremacy.”

Steve Suh said “this continues to happen to Asian-American business owners” with little or no accountability.

“This was every Korean’s dream to move to America and have a business,” David Suh said. “I knew he was sacrificing and my nightmare was that someday the worst would happen.”

Steve Suh set up a GoFundMe page to raise money “to help pay for my dad’s medical bills, help my dad retire, and bring awareness to his case so that we may seek justice.”

As of Friday morning, it had brought in about $78,000 toward a goal of $150,000.

“We were just scraping by during the covid pandemic, then the evil opportunists during the George Floyd protests looted the store and left him with virtually nothing,” Suh wrote on the page.

In recounting the Sept. 15 robbery, he wrote: “First he pistol-whipped him. Then he stomped his head when my father tried to get up. Then finally beat him in the head 28 times, with two of those blows thrown with a deadly hammer.”

“My father is 68 and his ‘American Dream’ has come to a crashing halt,” Suh said.

Ushery was arrested Sept. 22 on a first-degree robbery charge as well as felony gun possession and criminal mischief charges.

But the victim’s sons believe the charges should be stronger. “Because we want justice,” Steve Suh said. “We don’t want this to happen to anyone else.”

Shockingly, it does not appear that Ushery was charged with anything related to the brutal attack on Suh.

With this toothless deterrence on the part of soft-on-crime liberal prosecutors, you can be sure such vicious attacks will not only continue but escalate.

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