
Watch: McEnany Tears Into Biden After Joe Embarrasses US in Meeting with Israel


Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany roasted President Joe Biden for slurring his words and seemingly corroborating his moniker “Sleepy Joe” during a meeting Tuesday with Israeli President Isaac Herzog.

The incident is the latest in a nonstop stream of epic gaffes that undermine the doddering Democrat’s deteriorating status as the most powerful man on Earth.

Israel-based journalist James Spiro posted a video clip of Biden looking tired and incoherent during the Oval Office encounter, noting the 80-year-old career politician appeared on the verge of falling asleep.

“Biden meets Israel President Isaac Herzog — and struggles to stay awake,” he tweeted.

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While discussing Biden’s latest blunder Wednesday on “Outnumbered,” McEnany remarked, “It’s astonishing to watch him sit across from an ally, the Israeli president,” looking sleepy and incoherent. (Some on social media said he appeared to be “napping.”)

The erstwhile White House press secretary for former President Donald Trump said Biden’s lethargic demeanor severely undercuts America’s image on the world stage.

“I mean, look at this,” McEnany said. “Do you think he does this with [Chinese President] Xi? Does he do this with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin? What do they think when he does it?”

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She continued: “The only reason he’s able to get away with things like that [is] because people like The New York Times cover for him.”

To prove her point, McEnany read an excerpt from a fawning New York Times article in June in which the liberal newspaper effusively praised the bumbling octogenarian by reporting, “Some who accompany him overseas express astonishment at his ability to keep up.”

McEnany reacted to the Times’ sycophantic coverage by asking, “Does this look like a guy who you are astonished at his ability to keep up? … No! This looks like someone who is woefully behind. The frailty you are watching there, the nibbling of a child that happened yesterday.”

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The stunned Fox News host asked: “Does anyone in America think it is a good idea to give this guy four more years?”

“I mean, this is what you’re voting for,” McEnany said. “How is this good?”

By now, it’s obvious to anyone who’s honest that Biden’s presidency has been an abject failure, thanks to destructive policies that have ushered in crippling inflation, raging crime, relentless border invasions, seething racial tensions and rising geopolitical unrest.

Here in America, the left-leaning establishment media are desperately downplaying Biden’s apparent mental deterioration.

But abroad, his constant gaffes have become a humiliating punchline that undermines the standing of the United States around the world.

The weakness and ineptitude this president is projecting compromises national security, public safety and global stability. It is not a joke.

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