
Watch: Megyn Kelly Goes Off on TikTokers Defending 9/11 - 'Get Off Your F***ing iPhone'


Just when you thought the moral character of America’s youth had hit rock bottom, TikTok takes it to a disturbing new low.

Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America” is making the rounds on the social media platform, with users expressing their agreement with the 9/11 mastermind and sharing how his manifesto had changed their perspective on America.

Young people called the U.S. a “bully” and “the worst f***ing country [on] the planet” and described the beliefs expressed in bin Laden’s letter as “valid.”

WARNING: The following videos contain language that some viewers will find offensive.

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Megyn Kelly, host of “The Megyn Kelly Show,” blasted schools for failing to impart critical lessons about 9/11 and instill moral clarity in kids.

“We have so lost the youth of this country that now, 20 years later … they want to look back and rewrite the history of Osama bin Laden,” Kelly said on Thursday.

“There’s been a mind meld on college campuses that has corrupted and infected and toxified an entire generation. And now your kids and my kids are going to have to deal with these cretins who hate America,” she added.

Do you agree with Kelly?

“It’s the fight for our lives. If you don’t think this is coming to a school near you or a community near you, you haven’t been paying attention.”

Kelly also blamed parents for America’s moral decline.

“Get off your f***ing iPhone. Pay attention to your child. Look at your kid’s lessons,” she said.

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Is Kelly right to point the finger at parents? To an extent, yes.

When 9/11 can be justified and nearly 3,000 innocent lives dismissed, something has gone terribly wrong, and it starts in the home. Parents bear the primary responsibility for teaching their children right from wrong.

These young people with their distorted morality will have children of their own someday. It’s a frightening future we face, and time is running out to turn the tide.

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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
