
Watch: Sen. Ron Johnson Blasts CIA, FBI, Secret Service Over Missing Hunter Biden Records


In the vast bureaucracy of the federal government, the appearance of incompetence can act as camouflage for deliberate wrongdoing, which could explain a lot about how Hunter Biden has been handled through the years.

Last weekend, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson appeared on “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo.”

During a wide-ranging discussion, Johnson described how various federal agencies hid information about Hunter’s numerous activities, including those that could present a potential national security risk, considering his father happens to be in charge of the Oval Office.

Government officials and agencies claimed requested information could not be found, or simply did not provide relevant documents to Johnson and Iowa Sem. Chuck Grassley.

In the interview below, Johnson pointed out how “Biden Inc.” can put the country in danger. The relevant part starts about the 5-minute mark.

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“What Senator Grassley and I uncovered, the vast web of foreign financial entanglements, we don’t know all the entanglements of Biden Inc., of President Biden, of Hunter Biden, but I tell you who does: Russian intelligence and Chinese intelligence.”

As RealClearPolitics noted, in the Feb. 27 Bartiromo interview, Johnson described how the Biden administration’s reversing of former President Donald Trump’s policies weakened America and assisted foreign interests.

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He conjectured about the connection between the Bidens’ business deals and those policy reversals.

Johnson added the mainstream media covered up for the Biden campaign’s in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election, but that it’s “hard to cover up the disaster” of the Biden administration now.

Bartiromo noted it was not only the mainstream media that concealed information, it was also the Secret Service.

“Also, we should point out that this week we learned that the Secret Service claims that it cannot find any communications related to Hunter Biden’s travel records from 2010, 2011, 2013, all when Joe was vice president,” she said.

“How is it possible that the Secret Service doesn’t find the records?” Bartiromo asked Johnson.

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“Simple word: Corruption,” Johnson responded.

Johnson added that other federal agencies and law enforcement were involved. FBI Director Christopher Wray and CIA Director Gina Haspel both released little to none of the oversight materials requested by the senators.

“I can’t answer it any other way. I subpoenaed the FBI director, Christopher Wray. We got a fraction of the information that we should have. Chuck Grassley and I wrote a letter to Gina Haspel, the director of the CIA with a long list of items we wanted.

“And, of course, she promised she would be responsive to legitimate oversight requests. She didn’t turn a page over to us, wouldn’t even return our phone calls.”

Claims of lost records by an agency like the Secret Service can be difficult to accept. The refusal by other agencies, like the FBI and CIA, to release documents implies that what they contain is damaging.

And Americans have plenty of reason to be suspicious when it comes to the Bidens.

There is already much evidence of the Biden family benefiting from the famous name when it comes to business or getting out of trouble. Hunter Biden’s adventures alone are almost epic — and that’s the just the ones that are public knowledge. The alleged corruption surrounding the first son never ends.

And Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Devon Archer, was recently sentenced to prison for defrauding investors in an unrelated matter.

It’s a regular rogues’ gallery when it comes to the Bidens and the Biden-adjacent, mainly protected from critical mainstream media coverage just by virtue of Biden being a Democrat, and the Democratic candidate who ran against Trump.

Johnson offered an explanation of why entities that are supposed to be upholding the law instead act as obstacles to investigation and transparency.

“We do have a deep state. It’s populated by leftists, and that’s something we need to address,” Johnson said.

When it come to the Bidens, politics apparently matter more than justice for the CIA, FBI, and Secret Service.

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Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
