Lifestyle & Human Interest

Watch: Tear-Jerking Moment Little Girl with Cerebral Palsy Walks on Her Own


Have you ever had a day when the challenges in front of you seemed practically overwhelming? Maybe you looked at what seemed like a mountain and assumed you just couldn’t scale it.

If you can relate to this feeling, meet a courageous little girl named Birkley.

Birkley’s mom, Tamra Logan, has been posting Facebook updates on this sweet 11-year-old since the day her daughter was born. And now, one video, in particular, is going viral for the most heartwarming reason.

According to Logan’s Facebook feed and Special Living Today, Birkley has cerebral palsy. She contracted a viral infection called Cytomegalovirus before birth, which led to a host of health complications.

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As a result, Birkley has also struggled with pronounced hearing loss throughout her childhood. She’s been through more procedures and specialized therapies than some folks endure in a lifetime.

Special Living Today cites a lengthy list of interventions Birkley has already undergone to help enhance her quality of life. They include cochlear implant surgeries, corrective hip surgery, ongoing physical therapy, and speech therapy.

These interventions have also included multiple Botox treatments for a condition called hypotonia. As the NHS website explains, this is essentially diminished muscle tone that can interfere with everyday functions like walking.

But through it all, Logan has never given up on her tenacious girl. In fact, Logan’s Facebook feed indicates that Birkley’s challenges have prompted her mom toward a bold new life purpose.

“After I had Birkley, my passion has always been to create adaptive products,” one of Logan’s posts explains. Her latest invention is “Skneeks” (pronounced “sneaks”), which are basically sneakers that can be strapped around the knees.

Innovations like this have been vital for Birkley, whose own legs were often too weak to support her full weight. As her mother’s photographs illustrate, the determined little girl would often scoot around the house on her knees.

But video footage recently shared by Heart Threads captures a truly triumphant moment. After 10 consecutive years of striving and staying focused, Birkley is finally walking on her own.

Although a video from October shows the first time Birkley walked by herself, she seems to be growing more and more confident with her abilities.

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The inspiring visual snippet has already received thousands of views and enthusiastic shares across social media. It shows a beautiful blonde girl striding purposefully across a sunny expanse of lawn.

In the video, Birkley seems cheerful and happy. But based on other photos sprinkled through Logan’s Facebook feed, that outlook is nothing unusual.

These pictures show an adorable kiddo with a naturally upbeat disposition. Despite some extremely difficult trials, Birkley is often grinning, giggling and gregarious.

Logan has likewise shared the celebratory video on Facebook, and she’s justifiably proud. After all, both mother and daughter have become a radiant inspiration for viewers everywhere.

In the face of demanding odds, they demonstrate the power of unconditional love and uncompromising faith. And through it all, they remind us to keep hoping, dreaming, smiling and walking forward.

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Mary Bittel is a professional writer, marketer, and published author. She's produced content for several respected media organizations, and dozens of major industries including education, animal welfare, healthcare, finance, non-profit, technology, and entertainment. As an accomplished musician, she's also worked in a therapeutic teaching capacity with developmentally disabled children.
Mary Bittel is a professional writer, marketer, and published author. She's produced content for several respected media organizations, and dozens of major industries including education, animal welfare, healthcare, finance, non-profit, technology, and entertainment. As an accomplished musician, she's also worked in a therapeutic teaching capacity with developmentally disabled children. Additionally, she's an avid animal lover who has spent much of her life rehabilitating abused rescue canines.
Books Written
"The Hidden Treasury: Stories of Wonders and Wanderings"
Languages Spoken
English, French
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Music, Marketing, Nutrition, Fitness, Pet Care/Behavior, Cooking, Entertainment
