
Watch: 'The View' Ignores the Political Issue That Could Doom Biden's Re-Election Dreams


One thing about the co-hosts of “The View,” they keep making it easy to see they have no idea what they’re talking about.

The show has faced countless controversies and mockery for its cast’s inability to understand even the most basic concepts of reality, while constantly bowing towards a forced far-left view of America.

In a segment from its Wednesday episode that has been uploaded to YouTube, the liberal ladies discussed what they said will get voters out to the polls in November.

They immediately began to ring alarm bells as they discussed how polling shows clear favoritism towards former President Donald Trump but token conservative and former Trump White House staffer Alyssa Farah Griffin slapped down such logical methods as polls to measure political support.

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She then discussed how she believed that the former president being stuck in courtrooms dealing with his legal issues would harm his campaign but the opposite effect has happened.

Griffin claims that Trump not being front and center in the media will help him as other major issues — college campus protests, inflation — take the front page instead.

The other hosts then began to babble among themselves how Donald Trump is the greatest evil that has ever touched the face of the Earth (minor exaggeration), it’s insane the Republican party can have a candidate like him, and blah blah blah.

The same stuff that the leftist media has been putting forward for years at this point to slander Trump’s name.

Do you support the deportation of illegal aliens?

However, throughout all of this discussion about the supposed top issues facing this country, they missed the actual top issue.

Border security and the illegal immigration invasion.

Polls show show that the U.S. southern border is the foremost concern for American citizens.

Gallup had it as the number one, ranking above inflation, the economy and the government as a whole.

A YouGov poll by the Democratic opinion research initiative BluePrint and The Liberal Patriot — a digital newsletter founded by political scientist Ruy Teixeira, who was co-author of the 2002 book “The Emerging Democratic Majority” — also had it as the top concern.

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A Harvard-Harris poll had it tied with inflation, but above concerns about the overall economy, guns and everything else.

In other polls,  such as a survey by The Economist/YouGov — it’s second only to the economy, and according to New York Times/Sienna College poll, a walloping 64 percent disapprove of Biden’s immigration policy.

So why was there not even a peep about it when “The View” panelists discussed the issues they claimed to be the most important before the 2024 election?

Well, the obvious answer is that they don’t want to discuss anything that goes against their hyper-liberal view of the world.

These champagne liberals don’t want to admit that progressives advocating for an open border to appease a broken sense of morality has put Americans’ lives at stake.

They refuse to acknowledge the fact that the majority of Americans support deportation en masse of the illegals who have no right to be in our country.

Most importantly, they can’t let it be known in the media as it hurts their precious little President Biden’s already-crumbling public image.

And that’s the real lesson from Wednesday’s gabfest that danced around illegal immigration: That it’s the issue that could doom Biden’s dreams of remaining in the Oval Office after January 2025. And Democrats don’t have an answer for the self-inflicted wound.

Instead, they’ll ramble about how Trump passed gas in his court proceedings, something completely unimportant, attempting to ignore or cover up the big issues the country is actually facing.

It’s utterly shameful, but it’s nothing new from Whoopi Goldberg and her gaggle of glitzy, gaudy gals.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


And if the leftists and the elites get their way, that’s exactly what will happen — no real election, no real choice for the Electoral College, and no real say for the American people. 


The Western Journal is fighting to keep that from happening, but we can’t do it alone.


We work tirelessly to expose the lying leftist media and the corrupt America-hating elites.


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor


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