
White House Announces Biden Will Defy Request from 9/11 Victim's Family


President Joe Biden will mark the 20th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on America by visiting the three sites where the strikes occurred, the White House announced on Saturday, effectively ignoring the warning from a son of a 9/11 victim that Biden stay away from any ground zero memorials.

Nic Haros Jr. — whose mother Frances, 76, died at the World Trade Center — made the comments, including referring to Biden as “killer-in-chief,” Monday on “Fox & Friends,” largely in response to Biden’s botched withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan that saw 13 American service members killed in a terrorist bombing at the airport in Kabul.

Biden came under further negative scrutiny for appearing to check his watch several times during the dignified transfer of the fallen service members at a ceremony at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.

The comments by Haros echoed those made last month by family members of 9/11 victims who asked Biden not to attend any memorial events unless he declassified documents related to the attacks.

Many victims’ families are seeking the records in hopes of implicating the Saudi Arabian government in the 9/11 attacks. Fifteen of the 19 attackers were Saudi citizens.

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On Friday, Biden ordered the Department of Justice to review documents from the FBI’s investigation into the attacks in preparation for declassification and release, pledging his administration “will continue to engage respectfully with members of this community.”

The order requires Attorney General Merrick Garland to make the declassified documents related to the FBI probe public over the next six months.

The six-month timeline did not sit well with Haros, who reiterated his call for all such documents to be declassified by Sept. 11.

“I am demanding that President Biden dare not show his face at ground zero on 9/11. It is now holy ground, and I really don’t think he has a place there,” Haros said.

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He referenced last month’s hurried and haphazard exit from Afghanistan that left Americans and allies stranded in-country, speculating that the U.S. military’s retreat would end up as “Afghan war 2.0.”

“It’s shameful for him, I think, to use the dead bodies as a political prop for his so-called victory lap. He is insensitive, and he shows no compassion to the families,” Haros said.

Saturday’s upcoming anniversary comes less than two weeks after the end of the U.S. military’s nearly two-decades-long conflict in Afghanistan.

The U.S. invaded Afghanistan weeks after the 9/11 attacks to deny the nation as a base of operations to the al-Qaida terrorists who carried out the attacks and the Taliban government that sheltered them.

Biden has faced intense criticism for the chaotic evacuation of U.S. and allied forces from Afghanistan during the final two weeks of August, essentially gifting the nation back to the Taliban on the eve of the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

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Nevertheless, plans call for Biden and first lady Jill Biden to visit New York City, the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, as part of ceremonies commemorating the deadliest-ever terrorist attacks on the continental United States, according to The Washington Post.

On Sept. 11, 2001, 19 hijackers crashed passenger planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, where United Flight 93 was forced down by passengers and crew members attempting to regain control of the plane.

Nearly 3,000 people were killed in the attacks.

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