
Whoopi Pushes Globalist Plan to Open US Border So Radical Even Beto Avoids Agreeing With Her


If ignorance were a sport, Whoopi Goldberg would be the undefeated champion in the news commentary division.

The has-been film personality came up with such an outrageous suggestion to handle the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border that even far-left and failed candidate for president and governor of Texas, Democrat Beto O’Rourke, evaded giving her a straight answer.

As a guest on “The View,” O’Rourke was asked his opinion on the barrier consisting of orange buoys installed in July by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in an effort to quell illegal immigration over the Rio Grande.

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Watch the entire segment here:

Expectedly, O’Rourke attacked the Texas governor, saying that President Joe Biden should step in and act to stop Abbot from deploying preventive measures such as razor wire on the shores.

But Goldberg, clearly not fully satisfied with that idea, took it even further by saying she hoped international organizations would get involved.

“I’m hoping that Amnesty International and all these groups that are outside of us, who are watching, are going to step in also, because we are very quick to step in when other countries are not doing the right thing,” she said.

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Goldberg continued her “surrender your autonomy” game plan for the nation, saying, “I want someone to step — I want outside countries to step in and say, ‘Hey, listen, we listen when you’re talking to us, we’re telling you now, this doesn’t work for the world.’

“Is that part of your hope as well?” she asked O’Rourke, whom she had initially introduced as the “guy we really hoped was going to become governor of Texas.”

I guess she forgot about the little thing called the Revolutionary War that we fought so that “outside countries” and foreign entities couldn’t tell us what to do.

Regardless of what O’Rourke really hoped, he was politically savvy enough to sidestep the question, launching into a monologue about how presidents sometimes need a “little push” from the people.

He did not, however, disagree with Goldberg about letting foreign entities intervene.

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“We need a moment like that from this President and so I think the burden, the onus is on all of us to step up and put that pressure, give that power to President Biden and help him to act,” O’Rourke said.

He then added a subtle nod of agreement to Goldberg’s idea, saying, “So, wherever that comes from, and I hope it comes from within the U.S., let’s make sure that we give the president the power to do the right thing and to do it now.”

In other words: I hope the president does it, but if he doesn’t, let’s let outside countries decide for us.

This is dangerous rhetoric, and the only positive thing that can be said about it is that, despite the media love, the people of Texas and America saw through the smooth exterior and rejected O’Rourke– three times in four years.

O’Rourke is as washed out in politics as Whoopi Goldberg is in the entertainment business.

The American people do not want to give away their autonomy. They have rejected these radical ideas at the ballot box.

Let’s hope it stays that way.

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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
