
Woke NASCAR Kicks Off 'Pride Month' with an Apology to LGBT Community


Of all the American businesses and organizations moving to cater to the woke left, NASCAR once seemed to be among the least likely. The stock car racing company long marketed itself to Heartland Americans, an overwhelming majority of whom are conservative.

But that has changed in recent years as NASCAR has fallen victim to the left’s lies.

On Wednesday, the very first day of “pride month,” the organization continued this troubling trend with an apology to and a celebration of homosexuals, transgenders and others in the “LGBTQ+ community.”

“As we celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, we acknowledge that recent actions have not aligned with NASCAR’s mission to be a welcoming sport for all,” the company said in a tweet.

“We remain steadfast in our commitment to create a more inclusive environment — in our workplaces, at the race track & in the stands.”

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Along with the statement, NASCAR attached an image of a flag with enough shapes and colors to make any graphic designer cringe along with a rainbow checkered flag. In the center were the words “Happy Pride Month.”

So what exactly was the grave sin that NASCAR had to apologize for?

While it is not entirely clear from the tweet, Associated Press reporter Jenna Fryer reported it likely had to do with the organization’s decision to have Texas Gov. Greg Abbott wave the green flag at the May 22 All-Star Race at Texas Motor Speedway.

NASCAR apparently decided to indicate the Republican governor’s participation was a “mistake” because he does not support allowing children’s bodies to be mutilated in the name of transgenderism.

“In February, Abbott called for state agencies to investigate gender-affirming treatments on transgender teenagers,” Yahoo! Sports reported.

“Abbott’s calls for investigations came after Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) said that gender-affirming treatments for minors could be considered ‘child abuse.'”

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First of all, there should be nothing controversial about Abbott’s call for an investigation of such “treatments.” If children are not old enough to vote or have the legal rights of adults, they should not be allowed to receive life-altering surgeries based on decisions influenced by the leftists in their lives and on social media.

Second, even if you disagree with the governor’s position on this issue, that does not mean he shouldn’t be allowed to wave the green flag at a NASCAR race.

Contrary to what leftists often say, a company’s decision to allow someone to be a part of an event does not represent a full-scale endorsement of everything that person believes. It is possible for NASCAR to have a relationship with Abbott and also disagree with some of his policies.

Do you approve of NASCAR's "pride month" tweet?

Finally, this action represents a gross misjudgment by NASCAR of its own audience. Racing fans are more conservative than those of any other sport, as evidenced by an October 2020 report from Business Insider.

The outlet looked at surveys of sports fans alongside their preferences in the presidential election and found that NASCAR fans were by far the strongest supporters of then-President Donald Trump.

The report said racing supporters were 27 percentage points more likely to say they would vote for Trump — three times the 9 percent figure for the runner-up sport, PGA Tour golf.

If NASCAR wants to go woke, that is its prerogative. But there is a very high likelihood the company will lose many fans in the process.

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Grant is a graduate of Virginia Tech with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. He has five years of writing experience with various outlets and enjoys covering politics and sports.
Grant is a graduate of Virginia Tech with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He has five years of writing experience with various outlets and enjoys covering politics and sports.
