
These Women Believe Kavanaugh and They're Going to War To Stop Ford


The confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court has become a series of embarrassing events fueled by unsubstantiated accusations against the nominee of sexual misconduct.

It’s dominating the news cycles and it’s just about the only thing people are talking about, especially on Twitter.

Do you think Christine Blasey Ford is lying about being attacked by Judge Kavanaugh?

But perhaps to the surprise of liberals, there is a surge of support for Kavanaugh — and many of those supporting him are women. Liberals looking for camaraderie to bash the Supreme Court nominee, be careful where you tread.

Twitter is full of women who are supporting Kavanaugh and they aren’t afraid to go to war over their support for him.

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Valerie Jarrett emerged from her post-administration position to support Ford. Bad idea.

I agree, Ford is not a victim… of Kavanaugh. She may be a victim of liberal senators who are using her to foment lies about the Supreme Court nominee, however.

Hey Jennifer Rubin, women are only rolling their eyes in disgust at how far the left has defended into desperation. The attacks on Kavanaugh aren’t going to hold up. There is no proof.

This next tweet sums it up. The left lies.

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People are seeing through this charade. Clearly.

And perhaps this is the biggest travesty of all. The damage the left has done to women who have been assaulted and who are truly trying to seek justice is despicable.

Should women who falsely charge receive retribution?

Every defendant deserves to look his accuser in the eye. Why won’t Ford?

Looks like the left’s attempt to draw in real victims of sexual assault and gain their sympathies didn’t work out so well for them.

Why would a woman make accusations, publicly, and not be prepared to back them up? Yes, Dianne Feinstein released the letter without her permission, but why did Ford feel compelled to write it and send it in the first place if she wasn’t prepared to support it with evidence?

Read for your self. Americans aren’t buying the stuff the left is selling about Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Will someone please tell them to wrap this thing up quickly so we can get on with the business of draining the swamp?

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An enthusiastic grassroots Tea Party activist, Lisa Payne-Naeger has spent the better part of the last decade lobbying for educational and family issues in her state legislature, and as a keyboard warrior hoping to help along the revolution that empowers the people to retake control of their, out-of-control, government.
Lisa Payne-Naeger is passionate about all things related to influencing the configuration of our culture … family, education, politics. She’s a former school board member, turned homeschooling mom. In her quest to raise and educate her now-adult children, she has pretty much navigated every challenge and road block possible. Crusading to make the world a better place for them has led her to scrutinize the politically correct directives that steer society.
St. Louis, MO
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