
Trump's Surprising Choice: Using a Bondsman to Pay His $200,000 Bail


In an unexpected move, former President Donald Trump recently turned to a bail bondsman after his arrest in Atlanta.

While many might wonder why a billionaire like Trump would need such services, the answer might lie in the intricacies of the bail process rather than financial necessity.

Following his arrest over charges stemming from his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in Georgia, Trump chose to employ a renowned Atlanta-based “bondsman to the stars,” Insider reported.

Bail bondsmen play a pivotal role in the legal landscape. They charge clients a fee, usually a fraction of the bail amount, and in return, they cover the entire bail sum.

The arrangement is especially beneficial for high-profile figures, ensuring a smooth bail process and adherence to bail conditions.

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New York-based bondsman, Ira Judelson, provided insight, telling Insider, “I have skin in the game. So I worry about my clients and making sure the bail process is moving along smoothly.”

He further highlighted that bondsmen, being responsible for the full bail amount, have strategies to recover the money if a client violates bail conditions.

“A good bondsman always secures bail with collateral or personal signatures for the individuals they represent. That way, you can go after them for the full amount of the bond if they skip bail,” Judelson elaborated.

For high-profile individuals like Trump, Judelson told Insider the advantage of continuous media scrutiny, which makes tracking them more straightforward if required.

Bondsmen’s fees vary by state. In Atlanta, where Trump encountered his recent legal hurdle, the fee ranges between 10 percent and 15 percent. The bail posting procedure also differs across states. In Georgia, for example, bail is posted during the jail booking process, as was the case with Trump.

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