
Dabo Swinney Signs Largest College Football Contract Ever


Clemson football coach Dabo Swinney has agreed to the biggest contract in college football history.

He will be paid $92 million over the next 10 years.

Trustees approved the contract Friday, and it runs through 2028.

Swinney has led the Tigers to two national titles in three seasons.

“I want to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to each of you!” the coach said in an open letter Friday. “I am incredibly blessed to be a part of this great University and passionate Clemson Family — what a privilege.

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“The magnitude and significance of the financial commitment Clemson has made isn’t lost on me and, to be honest, it is all indescribably humbling. I am truly honored to be your Head Football Coach and thankful for the opportunity to continue to lead the most exceptional student-athletes in the world. …

“Kath and I feel so fortunate that the Lord has blessed us to be part of this incredible community. Our boys have attended elementary school, middle school, high school, and college in Clemson. Very few head coaches get the opportunity to experience that type of stability and support, and we don’t take it for granted.

“Last season, our team put together a historic season that we’ve called the ‘Best Ever,’ but as I recently told our 2019 team, the 2018 squad was the best ever … so far. I am proud of our program, what we represent and what we have accomplished, and I am even prouder to say that — now more than ever — the best is yet to come. The last decade has been an absolute blast, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store in the decade to come. Go Tigers!”

Clemson fans said the contract was well-deserved.

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His contract has a few unusual points.

His buyout is significantly higher if he leaves Clemson for his alma mater of Alabama.

Is Dabo Swinney the best coach in college football?

Swinney must pay $4 million if he leaves Clemson before the end of this year, but that increases to $6 million if he coaches the Crimson Tide.

The deal also requires Swinney to be one of the three highest-paid coaches in college football any season after his team makes the playoff semifinals, or he can leave without penalty.

Nick Saban signed a $74 million, eight-year deal with Alabama, and Jimbo Fisher has a 10 year, $75 million contract with Texas A&M.

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