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Avenatti Accused of Squatting in $12 Million Home as Swiss Co. Mysteriously Tied Owner Up in Court
Avenatti's Most Laughable Claim: 'I Have No Interest in Television Right Now'
Avenatti continues to top himself.
George Will: Christian Mike Pence Is Worst Person in Government
Is this what happens when going after Donald Trump stops getting publicity?
WSJ Reporter: We've Confirmed the Worst - US Intel Truly Was Spying on Trump Camp
Yale Being Investigated for Excluding Men in Favor of Women
‘Men are a minority at Yale University and nationwide enrollment rates for men are even lower.’
Data Shows Number of Poor Decreasing, Rich Increasing -- Proves Leftists Are Lying
You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again — the whining from liberals about the “shrinking middle class.” Once despised by the left as the vanguard of the bourgeoisie, […]
Judge: 'Unlawful' Destruction of Ballots in Race Wasserman Schultz Won
Remember Debbie Wasserman Schultz? Yes, I know, you’d like to forget her as she fades into obscurity — particularly when evidence emerges that she may have tried to rig an […]
Former Starbucks Employee Explains How New Bathroom Policy Will Explode in CEO's Face
A simple disagreement over whether or not two African-American patrons at a Philadelphia Starbucks could use the store’s bathroom has blossomed into a “teaching moment” in extremis, with the Seattle coffee […]
Watch: Preview for 'Last Man Standing' Revival Released
It seems every bit as awesome as we remember.