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Israeli Minister: Trump Is Modern Churchill, Past Presidents Like Neville Chamberlain
Europe had ‘closed its eyes to the strengthening of the Nazis. Today it is choosing to close its eyes to the strengthening of Iran.’
Watch: Sarah's Hilarious Response to Whether Her Kids or Acosta Are Harder To Deal With
The White House press corps has often been compared to children — and, indeed, Sarah Huckabee Sanders says the resemblance is so uncanny she doesn’t know if dealing with one […]
Watch: Students Trash Trump Nobel Prize But Can't Name 1 Thing Obama Did for Peace
Oh, Campus Reform. If it weren’t for you documenting how far the liberal double-standard goes on college campuses, would we even know about it? Your favorite campus video interviewers are […]
Comey Troubles Mount as House, Senate Leaders Say He Misled Them
The presses have yet to cool from printing his book “A Higher Loyalty,” and former FBI Director James Comey has found himself in more trouble with Congress. Earlier this month, […]
Romney Says Trump-Supporting Pastor Is Bigot, but Bible Disagrees
Mitt Romney has made two presidential runs, garnering the Republican nomination once, and is likely to make his way to Capitol Hill next year as Utah’s junior senator. Yet, for […]
Huckabee Literally Compares CNN's Work to Farts After Odious Jerusalem Comment
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee isn’t exactly known for excretory humor, so when someone gives the Baptist minister occasion to use it, you have to assume they went pretty far […]
Dirty: Avenatti Tied to Major Clinton Donor and Professor Linked to Russia Dossier
Michael Avenatti is either telling a very salacious tale or is a very connected man, because he seems to appear on cable news about as often as I eat meals. […]
Avenatti Docs Leak: Got $8 Million Out of Thin Air When Stormy Arrived
Lawyer and/or media gadabout Michael Avenatti has thus far provided a great deal of the comic relief in l’affaire Stormy Daniels, but there are a surprising number of serious questions about […]