
Comedian Who Punked Sarah Palin Accidentally Proved How Classy She Is


Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has joined the long list of public personalities who have been “duped” by actor and comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. Cohen disguised himself as a disabled U.S. veteran to interview her for his upcoming series, “Who is America?”

Palin described the interview in a Facebook post in which she expressed her disgust at Cohen’s disguise “as a disabled US Veteran, fake wheelchair and all.”

“The disrespect of our US military and middle-class Americans via Cohen’s foreign commentaries under the guise of interview questions was perverse,” she wrote.

Though she predicted the resulting footage would be “heavily edited” in an attempt to “humiliate” her, Palin challenged “Cohen, CBS and Showtime” to broadcast the interview but donate its proceeds to a charity benefiting American veterans.

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“Mock politicians and innocent public personalities all you want, if that lets you sleep at night, but HOW DARE YOU mock those who have fought and served our country,” she wrote.

Although it is clear that the purpose of the interview — like in every one of Cohen’s interviews — was to embarrass Palin, she showed great class in refusing to answer one question.

The former Alaska governor walked out of the fake interview after she was asked a “horrible” question about Chelsea Clinton, Entertainment Weekly reported.

“All of it was obnoxious, but I think the last straw was when the interviewer asked about what he claimed was a government-funded sex-change operation for Chelsea Clinton,” an anonymous source said. “Cohen was trying to get Governor Palin to say something homophobic and hateful.”

To Cohen’s surprise, Palin instead responded by merely walking away instead of spreading hate.

“She takes it personally when anyone goes after the children and families of politicians. She just thought, ‘What a horrible thing.’ She was particularly incensed about that,” the source told Entertainment Weekly.

It has become more common for people to verbally attack the children of politicians, especially 12-year-old Barron Trump.

Most recently, actor Peter Fonda called for the forced removal of Barron from first lady Melania Trump’s arms.

As Breitbart reported, Fonda had been speaking out forcefully against the Trump administration’s controversial immigration policy prior to posting a widely denounced tweet.

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Using all capital letters, he advocated forming a group to “rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if (his) mother will … stand up against the giant a–hole she is married to.”

Palin classily showed, however, that it does not matter if you agree with a politician and their policies or not. Going after their families and children is uncalled for.

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Erin Coates was an editor for The Western Journal for over two years before becoming a news writer. A University of Oregon graduate, Erin has conducted research in data journalism and contributed to various publications as a writer and editor.
Erin Coates was an editor for The Western Journal for over two years before becoming a news writer. She grew up in San Diego, California, proceeding to attend the University of Oregon and graduate with honors holding a degree in journalism. During her time in Oregon, Erin was an associate editor for Ethos Magazine and a freelance writer for Eugene Magazine. She has conducted research in data journalism, which has been published in the book “Data Journalism: Past, Present and Future.” Erin is an avid runner with a heart for encouraging young girls and has served as a coach for the organization Girls on the Run. As a writer and editor, Erin strives to promote social dialogue and tell the story of those around her.
Tucson, Arizona
Graduated with Honors
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, University of Oregon
Books Written
Contributor for Data Journalism: Past, Present and Future
Prescott, Arizona
Languages Spoken
English, French
Topics of Expertise
Politics, Health, Entertainment, Faith
