
Dick Morris: Clinton Foundation Got $50,000-$100,000 from Russian Firm That Paid Michael Cohen


Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating $500,000 allegedly invested in a corporation run by Trump attorney Michael Cohen from Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg.

But he is ignoring the donation of between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation from the exact same man.

The Renova Group, a Russian asset management firm controlled by Vekselberg, made both of these payments.

Renova and Vekselberg are now both under sanctions from the U.S. government as part of the American retaliation for Moscow’s invasion of Crimea and Ukraine.

Vekselberg, in particular, has a long history with the Clintons.

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When former President Bill Clinton visited Moscow on June 29, 2010, he met with Vekselberg, who had been chosen by the Russian government to oversee a new technology investment project designed to be Moscow’s version of Silicon Valley.

The 2010 meeting occurred during the same trip in which Clinton delivered a speech to Renaissance Bank, for which he was paid $500,000.

This was likely a payoff to ensure his wife’s support for the sale of 20 percent of America’s uranium mines to Russia.

The focus on Vekselberg raises the question of whether Hillary Clinton’s collusion with Russia was more significant than what is alleged to have happened between Trump and Russia.

Should there be an investigation into collusion between the Clintons and Russia?

Unlike Trump, Clinton received substantial benefits from Moscow when her husband got a $500,000 speaking fee for his visit.

Alas, it is not unusual for foreign businessmen — oligarchs and such — to put money into building relationships with new American administrations.

Washington lobbyists get rich helping them place such strategic investments.

But that is lobbying, not collusion, and it has nothing to do with Mueller’s mandate or his target.

So the question is: Will Mueller look in both directions to probe Moscow ties, or will he only focus on Trump?

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Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, “Rogue Spooks,” was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.

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Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, "50 Shades of Politics," was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.
