
Rudy Giuliani 'En Route' to Philadelphia with Legal Team, Alleges 'Massive Cheating'


Attorney Rudy Giuliani traveled to Philadelphia, alleging “massive cheating” as more votes are counted in the battleground state Wednesday.

“En route to Philadelphia with legal team. Massive cheating,” the personal lawyer to President Donald Trump tweeted.

He added: “@realDonaldTrump up by 550,000 with 75% counted. Will not let Philly Democrat hacks steal it!”

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Giuliani’s announcement came as many battleground states like Pennsylvania slowly count their ballots to decide the winner of the 2020 election. Trump was leading in the state by a roughly 2 percentage point margin as of Wednesday afternoon.

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar told reporters Wednesday that nearly 50 percent of the state’s mail-in ballots had been counted, CNN reported.

There have been roughly 10 times as many mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania this year than in years past because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Pennsylvania is also among a handful of states that did not begin counting absentee ballots until Election Day, according to ABC News.

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“We’re already trying to run a successful in-person election on Election Day,” said Lisa Schaefer, the executive director of the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania.

“Trying to add processing of mail-in ballots on Election Day basically means we’re trying to run two elections at the same time.”

At least eight counties also reportedly waited until Wednesday to start processing and counting mail-in absentee ballots. President Donald Trump won seven of those eight counties in 2016.

Over 65 million voters cast mail-in or absentee ballots this year, USA Today reported.

Election officials in Michigan and Wisconsin were also not allowed to start processing many absentee ballots until Election Day or just before.

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The Trump campaign has already said it would request a recount in Wisconsin, which candidates are allowed to do if they are within 1 percentage point of the winner’s total, CNN reported.

“We have thousands of volunteer lawyers and several law firms already on retainer in these battleground states,” RNC spokesperson Mandi Merritt said.

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf said he is prepared to defend the votes in his state as officials continue to count ballots.

“Pennsylvania will have a fair election. And that election will be free of outside influences,” Wolf said.

“I will vigorously and we all will vigorously defend against any attempt to attack that vote in Pennsylvania.”

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Erin Coates was an editor for The Western Journal for over two years before becoming a news writer. A University of Oregon graduate, Erin has conducted research in data journalism and contributed to various publications as a writer and editor.
Erin Coates was an editor for The Western Journal for over two years before becoming a news writer. She grew up in San Diego, California, proceeding to attend the University of Oregon and graduate with honors holding a degree in journalism. During her time in Oregon, Erin was an associate editor for Ethos Magazine and a freelance writer for Eugene Magazine. She has conducted research in data journalism, which has been published in the book “Data Journalism: Past, Present and Future.” Erin is an avid runner with a heart for encouraging young girls and has served as a coach for the organization Girls on the Run. As a writer and editor, Erin strives to promote social dialogue and tell the story of those around her.
Tucson, Arizona
Graduated with Honors
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, University of Oregon
Books Written
Contributor for Data Journalism: Past, Present and Future
Prescott, Arizona
Languages Spoken
English, French
Topics of Expertise
Politics, Health, Entertainment, Faith
