
Twitter Bans James Woods but Leaves Actor Michael Rapaport Alone Despite Dehumanizing Melania Tweet


UPDATE, Mar. 26, 2020: James Woods’ Twitter account has been fully restored. By his own account, his suspension ended “after 24 hours.”

Twitter is demonstrating its continued bias against conservatives.

Conservative Hollywood actor James Woods is in Twitter jail — again — for speaking truth against liberalism, which apparently violates the social media platform’s policies for conduct.

Woods was locked out of his Twitter account Tuesday for sharing “intimate media” of a person without the person’s consent, Twitter notified him.

The actor tweeted a photo that purported to show former Democratic Florida gubernatorial nominee Andrew Gillum nude (with his private parts blurred) and passed out on the floor of a Miami Beach hotel.

“Just remember, this could have been Florida’s governor in the midst of the #WuhanCoronavirus pandemic. Make sure you vote #Republican in November like your life depends on it, because it does. #Trump2020Landslide,” Woods wrote.

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A follower of Woods also posted a screenshot of a message from Twitter informing Woods why he was put in timeout.

Journalist Andy Ngo reported, “Miami Beach PD is investigating how the report & photos relating to Andrew Gillum’s hotel room incident with a gay prostitute & drugs was leaked. Separately, Gillum’s team has been aggressively trying to remove the photo that shows him passed out naked.”

Still, images of Gillum’s rowdy night have been circulating nearly everywhere on social media. They were still circulating as of Wednesday.

Apparently Twitter’s rules for sharing such images are only broken when they are posted by a high-profile conservative, such as Woods.

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Gillum, who is married with children, was found by police in Miami Beach on March 15 with a male prostitute and another man.

Police also found methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia, according to The Tallahassee Democrat, which reported the gay escort had overdosed on drugs.

Republican Ron DeSantis defeated Gillum in the 2018 gubernatorial election by a narrow margin of only 32,463 votes.

Woods is right to remind his followers of how close Gillum came to becoming Florida’s governor.

But the double standard is clear. Twitter’s actions constantly reveal that conservatives are treated differently.

While those on the right are silenced on the platform, those on the left abound in the Twittersphere spreading hate and misinformation with apparent impunity.

Actor Michael Rapaport, for example, routinely breaks Twitter’s rules against bullying, harassment and hate speech with his vicious attacks on Republicans, Christians, President Donald Trump and Trump’s family.

WARNING: Some of the following social media posts feature vulgar language that will be offensive to some readers.

Just this week, Rapaport attacked first lady Melania Trump.

“Look at this DUMB FKC!!! She thinks this is SEXXXY TIME? Dumb FKC! You dumb animal @FLOTUS,” Michael Rapaport said in a Twitter rant Sunday in response to the first lady’s video about coronavirus.

“MAGA!!!! Look at what you’ve done!!!” he said.

That tweet was later deleted.

On Wednesday, Rapaport called for President Donald Trump’s daughter and adviser, Ivanka Trump, to be jailed.

Last year, the washed-up actor bullied Covington Catholic High School students, describing them as “MAGA hat-wearing s—stains” and worse.

Rapaport also previously described Fox News host Laura Ingraham as a “filthy pig” and a “dog-faced animal.”

Why is this unbalanced individual allowed to use Twitter to incite and spread hate against conservatives?

Twitter’s rules on “abusive behavior” clearly state users “may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so. We consider abusive behavior an attempt to harass, intimidate, or silence someone else’s voice.”

Do you think lawmakers should intervene and stop big tech from censoring conservatives?

Twitter further states that “aggressive insults with the purpose of harassing or intimidating others” are specifically prohibited.

“We take action against excessively aggressive insults that target an individual, including content that contains slurs or similar language. Please also note that while some individuals may find certain terms to be offensive, we will not action against every instance where insulting terms are used,” Twitter says in its guidelines for conduct.

So, why is an unhinged D-list actor such as Rapaport allowed to use his account to incite targeted harassment? We can only assume it is because he is a Democrat.

Why doesn’t Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey just go ahead and tell us conservatives we’re not welcome on his platform?

The virtue-signaling big-tech liberal has made it abundantly clear that hate speech is perfectly acceptable on Twitter, just as long as it comes from liberals and has-been actors.

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Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has authored thousands of news articles throughout his career. He has also worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
