
A Capella Group Sings 'Lean on Me' at Chick-fil-A to 'Spread God's Awesome News'


You never know when you’re going to be in the right place at the right time. Even the smallest of acts can make a positive difference in someone’s day.

Chick-fil-A employees have been known to make those differences quite often. Now their patrons are joining in and putting smiles on customers’ faces.

A group of a cappella singers was caught brightening the mood at a Nashville, Tennessee, Chick-fil-A close to Rivergate Mall.

A viral video posted by singer Jake Jones has caught the attention of social media users everywhere. With nearly 1 million views to date, the flash mob may just go down in Chick-fil-A history.

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“A group of us from Acappella’s Worship Leader Institute went to the Rivergate Chik-fil-a in Nashville TN. and this happened!” Jones wrote in the video’s caption.

The institute, founded by Keith Lancaster, aims to equip church music leaders with an education in a cappella worship.

“We feel it is our mission in life to spread God’s awesome news through the talents and gifts He’s given us,” Jones told Fox News. “What better way than to lift people up in song!”

This group did exactly that. Watch as they come together in signing “Lean on Me” — an arrangement with a four-part harmony prepared by Lancaster himself!

“The flash mob was planned to encourage patrons and employees at the Chick-Fil-A. We’ve noticed every time we do something like this, people comment on the videos saying, ‘This is just what I needed,’ ‘We need more of this,’ and ‘Why can’t we have more of this in the world?’  We never know who will be touched through this,” Jones shared with Fox News.

Commenters on Facebook have praised the group for their song as well. “WOW I have the chills!!!!” one person wrote.  “Awesome! Glory to God! These be my brothers!” another said.

We’ve seen others break out into song while eating the “Lord’s chicken” before, of course. A video of an employee in Kansas singing “God Bless the USA” went viral in 2015.

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Another more recent instance of singing at a Chick-fil-A occurred when a group of worship leaders sang “Every Praise.”

Liftable, a section of The Western Journal, reached out the Jake Jones for comment. We will update this article if and when we receive a response.

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Sarah Carri is an avid reader and social media guru with a passion for truth and life. Her writing has previously been published in print and online by Focus on the Family and other well known media outlets. Her experience in ministry and Disney entertainment gives her a unique perspective on such topics.
Sarah Carri is an avid reader and social media guru with a passion for truth and life. Her writing has previously been published in print and online by Focus on the Family and other well known media outlets. Her experience in ministry and Disney entertainment gives her a unique perspective on such topics.

Sarah's experience as a successful working stay-at-home mom and business owner has given her the chance to write and research often. She stays up to date on the latest in entertainment and offers her views on celebrity stories based on her wide knowledge of the industry. Her success as a former preschool teacher and licensed daycare provider lend to her know-how on topics relating to parenting and childhood education.

Her thoughts on faith and family issues stem from home life and ministry work. Sarah takes time to attend workshops and classes annually that help her to improve and hone her writing craft. She is a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature program and her writing has been acclaimed by ACFW and ECPA.
Institute of Children's Literature, Art Institute of Phoenix (Advertising), University of California Irvine (Theater), Snow College (Early Childhood Education)
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