
Watch Video Footage: Silly Squirrel Helps Himself to Kids' Halloween Candy


Squirrels are bizarre, yet intriguing, creatures. They sure seem to work hard, and they are quite entertaining while they do it.

From their swift leaps across the ground to their scurrying up trees with acorns in their mouths, they clearly are on a mission.

One of the most entertaining things about these little animals is their interactions with humans.

They can often be quite emotional and reliant on humans in special cases. For example, a woman named Mattie nursed a baby squirrel with a broken paw back to life and unknowingly started a friendship along the way. After releasing him back into the wild, the squirrel decided to pay her a visit every day to show his appreciation for her.

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Usually, squirrels either quickly scurry away from you without hesitation, or they are accustomed to you and aren’t afraid to pick on you!

Reading, Pennsylvania, Mayor Wally Scott posted a video on Facebook Tuesday showing a sneaky little squirrel’s trick.

While the city outside of Philadelphia was preparing for their “Trunk-or-Treat” event Wednesday night, Milly from Mayor Scott’s office captured the hilarious moment on video, according to WFMZ.

Piles of bagged candy sat outside Reading’s City Hall, waiting to be passed out to young kids when a sneaky squirrel approached the sweets.

Have you ever had an animal steal something from your yard?

As the video shows, the squirrel quickly checked out the situation before standing on its hind legs and getting to work.

The sly creature began gnawing on one of the plastic bags to get it open as quickly as possible before someone could spot his trick!

He begins to gnaw more rigorously — as the bag doesn’t seem to be working in his favor — until he finally gets what he wants.

The squirrel then grabs the piece of candy and bounds away with a classic squirrel-leap.

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The little guy didn’t even turn back — he just kept on running like it was his job. It was “a brazen crime but the thief was too quick to catch,” the mayor wrote in the video’s caption.

It looks like this little squirrel got his treat this Halloween!

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Erin Shortall is an editorial intern for The Western Journal. She is currently finishing her Bachelor's Degree at Grove City College. She has a passion for homeless ministry in her home city of Philadelphia, PA.
Erin Shortall is an editorial intern for The Western Journal. She is currently finishing her Bachelor's Degree at Grove City College. She has a major in English, minors in both Writing and Communication Studies, and a Technical Writing concentration. She is currently working on designing and writing a book of poetry to financially support a new homeless ministry of Grove City, PA called Beloved Mercy Ministry. In her spare time, she loves to sing, play piano, exercise, traverse cities, and find the cutest coffee shops. She also has a passion for homeless ministry in her home city of Philadelphia, PA.
Philadelphia, PA
Scholarship of Academic Achievement and Moral Character
Grove City College
Grove City, PA
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
Visual Design, Document Design, Technical Communication, Literature, Computer Ethics
